Winding down to the end of our 2024 season already

As we enter our third last week of the 2024 season (at time of writing, its now less that 2!) we are getting all the weather and after a year of it, we are not surprised. The autumn colour has really ramped up in the last few days and its a very yellow autumn this year. I'm sure there is some weather related scientific explanation for this. As always despite the weather we are firing on with all the autumn chores. This week includes starting the stock take, hedge cutting and plant moving.

Winter sunset with twinkly stars

 In the front garden this week 🙂

Its been lovely to see so many of our visitors enjoy our Silent Space here in the nursery gardens. With views over the nursery and to the Pentland Hills beyond at the bottom of the orchard its been well used. Next year our silent space will be moving, to a new area of garden where it will be much quieter and we hope a reflective place for people to sit and enjoy.
For now here is a podcast where Liz Ware, the creator of the Silent Space charity talks about how it came to be.

Throwback Thursday
the evolution of the covered area and wee shop and the Quirky Bird gardener and nursery jack russells!





A long long time ago in the mists of time I did O grade art at high school. (If you youngsters don’t know what an o’grade is go ask you parents 😃) Anyhoo, I did ceramics and produced all the pots in the first two photos, some as part of the O grade exam. I carried on and did higher art in 5th year, academic subjects were not my thing, give me art, history and biology any day.
The large pot was my submission for my higher exam, and all those school friends of mine on here will recognise where it is. The pot was along with others displayed in Linlithgow public library just of the High Street for a time after the exams. It was created with the ability to be lit and my Dad fitted up a lightbulb, switch and cable so it could be done, and so a completely unique lit up Linlithgow Palace and St Michaels church has graced every home I have owned.
Its survived kids, dogs and cats, being packed up and stored for 10 years through 3 house moves (9 house moves in total) until now. When we decorated the snug earlier this year, we knew the cupboard turned alcove had to have shelves at the right heights to at last have all my creations back on display.
Thank you to David for replacing the ancient wiring my Dad did back in the mid 80’s so that the palace pot can again shine ❤

Reds are always difficult to photograph and even when you think you've captured them they are tricksy and often look more pink or orange. But no matter these leaves and berries are brightening the nursery gardens this week ❤️

Sometimes life is very circular completely by coincidence. Nine years ago this week we built our poly tunnel. Today we took the final pieces down. But don't worry it will live on as two new tunnels in a new much more efficient location.


A lovely cold still night so we got the fire pit going. Meet the Mouse dog from the pits of hell.

This week I've been decorating our front porch. I mean to be honest it's like trying turn a pile of sh** into gold by spraying it with glittery gold paint but you know underneath it's still a pile of sh** 🤣 the pvc is corroding, it isn't square on its brick plinth, it's over 40 years old, the double glazing is ancient, etc but it's a whole heap of money that needs spent on more urgent things like a new roof and a kitchen, but this makes it livable with 😊 and my fish bone cactus has flowered for the first time for the occasion.
Trying to make a plastic porch look like a traditional room 😊

Cooking for friends, it was lovely to catch up with Andrew and Linda on Monday afternoon 😊

#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders

 If you to see what's new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook

Find out more about the nursery here - our web site:

Follow us on Instagram @quirkybirdgardener and Quercus Garden Plants

"Psssssss.... Have you heard?"
"Wot?" said Small Squash, rolling their eyes.
"Its almost that time of year" Big Squash replied
"OH! Do you mean its almost holiday time? Time for extra wine, good food, walks on the beach and visiting other gardens?" Small Squash said, feeling a bit more invested in the conversation now.
"I do indeed" said Big Squash
"Yipee" said Small Squash as they accidentally rolled off the table in excitement!

The nursery will be closed from Sunday 29th October for winter until the beginning of March 2025 when we re-open for the 2025 season.
I will be back and forward to the nursery doing all those winter tasks, so if you wish to purchase plants or to ask advice, please email 📧
Thank you so much to all our customers and visitors to the nursery, for your custom, great reviews and positive feedback, it's very much appreciated. We love that you love Quercus, the gardens and nursery ❤️
Our AUTUMN SALE continues until the 27th and there are still loads of bargains to be had including selected half prices trees, water plants all half price and a selection of climbers, shrubs and perennials all half price 🌳
We still have bulbs for sale and some half price items in our wee shop 🌷
So with just under 2 weeks until our winter break, please do pop along and grab a bargain, some bulbs or chat before we close 🙂


  1. Oh heavens, I love your ceramic work! They so deserve to be displayed.
    The autumn colours are lovely this year here too. Such a feast for the eyes before the colourless winter.


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