Embracing Autumn with cosy jumpers and glorious plant colour

Autumnal colours in the railway garden

Good bye old polytunnel, you've served us well over the last 9 years. I've spent many an early morning tidying and propagating plants, enjoying the peace and quiet and the joy of creating new plants. I have no idea how many thousands and thousands of plants have passed through over those years. But after being destroyed in the storm in January, its time to start again and this tunnel will become 2 new tunnels in a new space right behind the nursery area making us even more efficient and with a new potting area too. No more barrowing plants back and forward from another part of the farm which will make a huge difference in time efficiency.
David started the dismantling last week and dealt with the deliveries of parts needed, its going to be a busy autumn to get at least one if not both tunnels up before winter.

Inspired by my visit to Inglefield Plants a couple of weeks ago, I've created this self contained water feature, ideal for a shady corner, patio or wherever you want the sound of water and some water movement ❤️

 We have a few fruit trees left in the sales area, all nicely shaped trees in 10 litre pots, £48.00 each. Varieties and quantities available are:

🍎 Apple 'Bramley'
🍏 Apple 'Cox's Orange pippin'
🍎 Apple 'James Grieve'
🍏 Apple 'Greensleeves'
🍎 Apple 'Laxtons Superb'
🍐 Pear 'Doyenne de Comice'

In the garden at home last week, still lots of colour and plenty bees. The rubbish weather has made the marigolds flower very late, but, better late than never! Our sunflower seems to be very shy and wont turn to face the sun 🤦
Can you spot the ornament in the front garden 😂🐱

The front garden ornament

We are having a Crazy Maisie half price sale on water plants. So if you fancy a waterlily, some marginals or oxygenators, they are all discounted, once they're gone they're gone. Ponds and water features are great for the garden, providing sound and movement and great biodiversity and a home for wildlife. We have the following available:
🐸Alisima plantago-aquatica
🐸Alisima parviflorum
🐸Anemopsis californicum
🐸Butomus umbellatus
🐸Cardamine pratensis
🐸Gratiola officinalis
🐸Mimulus luteus 'Queen's Prize'
🐸Mimulus cupreus 'Red Emperor'
🐸Myosotis scorpioides
🐸Nymphoides peltate
🐸Nymphea 'Joey Tomocik'
🐸Nymphea Marliacea ‘Albida’
🐸Nymphea pygmeae ‘Helvola’
🐸Pontederia cordata 'alba'
🐸Pontaderia cordata
🐸Saururus cernuus
🐸Tulbaghia violacea
🐸Typha minima

This week coming to you from the entrance border

On Saturday I was down at Newlands Centre today with a wee stand at their Flower show cottage show.

Late summer views of the nursery gardens. There is so much colour still and well worth a visit for inspiration if you feel your garden is losing colour. There are so many wonderful plants with amazing foliage form and colour which extend interest alongside flowers.

Foliage and flowers in the entrance beds

Pretty pinks

Looking over the herb garden

Maisie with a stick

Early evening light in the lower terrace

The herb garden

Glorious autumn colours in the nursery gardens ❤

This week we have been in the clouds, literally! While many parts of the country have been enjoying heat and sunshine we, here on the hill have had nothing but grey and drizzle ☹ Despite that we are progressing well with propagation and all the tasks needing done before we close for winter. The gardens and nursery are taking on autumn tints now so it’s a good idea to see what you can plant to prolong interest through autumn into winter 🍂
~ Isabel is back from her 3 weeks away and we are glad of her company and good cheer while we work through the prop list including doing cuttings and gathering seeds. Fiona split all the Monarda in the stock beds and did cuttings of some of them on Saturday so we have plenty for sale next year and she helped with customers while I was away for the afternoon, thank you 🙂 ❤
~ We have finally seen some butterflies, but hardly any and now the swallows have taken flights I have a juvenile robin keeping me company 🦋
~ I also made a self-contained fountain feature, inspired by a recent trip away. This has caused much interest with customers, which is great, that’s what we want, is to inspire and give our customers confidence to try new things in their garden ⛲️
~ David has started dismantling our tunnel which was damaged in the January storms and he has starting building the new tunnel in its new home, exciting!
~ I re-did all the seasonal display pots , planting up new tulips and winter pansies for next spring in what I hope will be a symphony of pinks, purples and whites 🥀
~ On Saturday I was at the Newlands Centre with a stand at the their cottager event. Always good to get out and chat to customers, sell a few plants and hand out leaflets 🎋

Last week we stayed local and headed up Manor valley and parked at the end and then picked up the path that goes over the hills to Meggat. It was good to get on the hills and enjoy a dry day. Great views back down the valley and over Bitch Crags. Lunch in a hollow out the wind enjoying some food from the Whitmuir farm shop. We walked as far as Redsike Head before heading back for a relaxing afternoon at home. I will do a full write up in another blog.

The temperatures are forecast to drop significantly during the week so I'me enjoying my cacti and succulents before I have to put them under cover for winter 🙁

#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders

 If you to see what's new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook

Find out more about the nursery here - our web site: www.quercusgardenplants.co.uk

Follow us on Instagram @quirkybirdgardener and Quercus Garden Plants


  1. Looking great, I love the flower colours - they combine so nicely. The garden ornament is the best <3

    1. Saila, thank you, at least the garden ornament wasnt rolling in the cat mint for a change :D


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