A walk from Cockburnspath to the sea and back via Dunglass

At the beginning of July we got a lovely sunny, warm day off at last so we drove to Cockburnspath in East Lothian to do a walk I've had my eye on for a while, but we'd had to wait on the weather.

Heading up the grass path from the road

We parked up in the square in the village and headed up the lane past the school and village hall and up the grassy path heading north. There were lovely views out over rolling fields to the sea to the east where ships were plying up the coast and fishing boats at anchor.

Looking east to the sea

We followed the path along the edge of the woods on the left and the views on the right and then across a field and into the next area of woodland between old stone gate posts. The dappled shade of the trees were a welcome break from the sun, turning right the path eventually came to the road.

Into the woods

Once at the road we turned left then right and under the bridge that carries the railway and another that carries the A1. Following the Dunglass ravine where eventually the path brought us to the beach.

Bridges in a row


and modern

Turning left we walked along with great views out to sea, not easy to ignore was Torness power station looming on the horizon. We stopped for a while to enjoy our picnic, the views and the total peace and quiet of the beach, exploring the rocks and sand for beach finds and photo opportunities.

Those greens and blues <3

Beach Maisie

Lunch from Whitmuir Farm shop

Where's mine?

Rock hopping

Following the signs for the John Muir way we made our way off the beach and up Bilsdean ravine, past the waterfall and up to the A1 where we managed to cross. This is a busy road, so care must be taken at all times. We passed under the railway bridge and onto the road that took us to Dunglass Colegiate Church.

Taking the path away from the beach

Dog roses

The waterfall

This building was an impressive church dating from the 1400’s, mainly intact with views of the sea and now used as a wedding venue. At one time it was used as a farm barn, hence the big hole in the end wall so hay could be moved in and out!

From the church we headed back down to the road and followed the woodland path we'd come down earlier and then back to Cockburnspath where we got coffee and ice cream from the community shop before heading home. A lovely relaxing day off walking about 7 miles in lovely peaceful scenery, didn’t see a soul.


Our route

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