Summer Flowers, Summer Scent and Summer Walks

Dianthus 'Little Jock'

I can't believe how far through summer we are already, yet the weather feels like September or October! We are dodging showers and wearing our waterproofs to get on with the nursery work and keeping the gardens tidy, though a lot of plants are getting flattened with the wind and rain and some are loving the wet! Last week was all about weeding and tidying the nursery gardens come rain or shine! Here are some views and plants that caught my eye as I worked along the bottom terrace, railway garden and stream garden today mainly in the rain.

Fragrant Friday featuring plants in the Scented garden in anticipation of re-opening the scented garden last week. This garden has been closed this year while we replaced the old unsafe slab path, now the new grass path is ready (with a few patches to thicken up). Considering it was washed out twice after being constructed and the grass seed sown, I’m relieved to get to this stage. Please do visit and let us know what you think. The Quercus team are unanimous that the grass path is not only safer and easier but it really sets off the scented garden and the borders now really stand out. A win all round I’d say.
Once you’ve had your garden and plant fix with us, remember to visit the new Whitmuir Farm Shop for great food and local produce and why not indulge in a lovely cake and great coffee in the Whitmuir café too.
See you soon 😊

Primula alpicola

Sweet Williams

Nepeta 'Walker's Low'

Paeonia 'Bowl of Beauty'

compost heaps turned for another 6 months

Looking good in the nursery gardens, from highly scented roses to waterlilies, show off eryngiums to tiny semperviviums and pollinator favourite angelica to the giant "dandelion" seedheads of Salsify there is something for every plant lover here at Quercus.

Eryngium 'Jos Eiking' 

Pyracantha 'Orange Glow'

Rosa shrub 'Maidens Blush'

Dactylorhiza fuchsii


Salsify seed heads

We have some indoor plants for sale, not as many as usual due the destruction of the greenhouse in the January storms and the loss of a lot of my plants that were in there. But we salvaged some of the plants and here they are.

Abstract winter marshland in one colour - paynes grey.

All the colours in the front garden, sometimes its hard to believe its only just over a year old!

Last Monday we had a lovely sunny, warm day off at last so we drove to Cockburnspath in East Lothian. Parking up in the square in the village we headed up the lane past the school and village hall and up the grassy path heading north. We followed the path along the edge of the woods, across a field and into the next woodland between stone gate posts. Turning right the path eventually came to the road where we turned left then right and under the bridge that carries the railway and another that carries the A1. Following the Dunglass ravine, eventually the path brought us to the beach. Turning left we walked along with great views out to sea, not easy to ignore was Torness power station looming on the horizon. We stopped for a while to enjoy our picnic, the views and the total peace and quiet of the beach. Following the signs for the John Muir way we made our way off the beach and up Bilsdean ravine, past the waterfall and up to the A1 where we managed to cross. Under the railway bridge and onto the road that took us to Dunglass Colegiate Church. An impressive church from the 1400’s, mainly intact with views of the sea and now used as a wedding venue. Back down to the woodland path and back to Cockburnspath where we got coffee and icecream from the community shop before heading home. A lovely relaxing day off walking about 7 miles in lovely peaceful scenery, didn’t see a soul.

Simply some strawberries

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  1. I can't believe the weather you've been having! With us in SW Finland it's been regular rain about once a week, not much but enough to keep the garden green even in July – something that doesn't happen very often. I remember only one another such summer with regular rains in all the 18 years I've lived here in the archipelago! Usually the rain misses us and hits the coast.
    I hope it improves. The gardens look great, at least in your photos. And the coast! <3


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