May, a month of heavy rain, hot sun and a trip to Flodden

In its second year the front garden at home is really coming into its own. In the front garden this week before the rain hit, alliums doing their thing and the early summer purples are getting going. I am impressed but not surprised just how quickly the plants have grown in this sheltered town garden compared to the exposed nursery garden. This garden has allowed me an insight into two very different growing conditions using the same plants.

Allium 'Purple Sensation'

In the looking good test tubes this week ❤ a subtle palette of woodland plants from our woodland garden.

Some snippits from the front garden while I was weeding last week, perfect for a wee vase in our wee hoose 🙂

Who else watched the Chelsea Flower show coverage? Thoughts?
Here is our own slice of gardening heaven here in the Scottish Borders, the nursery gardens are looking fab and enjoying soaking up some of that rain after a week of dry hot temperatures.
The sales area is full of great plants, trees, shrubs, water plants, shade plants, fruit, herbs, wildflowers, alpines and so much more 🙂

Plants look fabulous in the rain, despite the weather or perhaps because of it. I'm sure they are enjoying a refresh after the hot weather of the past week or so. There's so much work to do its outside whatever the weather, Feeling grateful for a two coats day, 2 wet feet and thank goodness for waterproof trousers. Thank you to the brave customers who brave the rain, your visits were much appreciated.

Waterlilies in the Herb garden pond

Lupin 'The Chatalain'

Prunus cerasifera  pissardi 'Nigra'

Pulsatilla vulgaris var Rubra

Rhododendron Azalea deciduous 'Berryrose'

Rosa spinosissima (Burnet Rose)

Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 

Trollius x cultorum 'New Moon'

So this happened on a driech and misreable day, the pod cast I was interviewed for a few weeks ago went live this afternoon.
Scotland Grows Magazine is an online garden magazine specifically for Scottish gardeners, where our conditions can be quite different, challenging and rewarding. Please do subscribe to it, listen to their podcast and like and share on all social media.

This orchid has been brightening up the kitchen window sill for months now, and still has a lot of flowers to come ❤

In the nursery gardens with Maisie the nursery dog. The rain might have been heavy at times over the past weeks, but it has refreshed the plants and gardens, and given them a lovely lush look (we wont talk about the weed growth!) This weekend and next week is all about weeding and tidying ready for our charity day next Sunday. Every day there are more plants in flower and its all looking fabulous.

In the back garden at home over the past week. Despite the rain the gardens are looking great, thankfully the drainage is great, unlike the nursery which is not. I am loving my shady area pots, the hostas are so lush ❤ The less said about that ridiculous dog the better.....

The shady plants

Thalictrum 'Black Stockings'

Scilla peruviana

Trollius 'New Moon'

Thalictrum aquilegifolium

Aquilegia 'Green Apples'

Flodden battle field. Visited here 8 years ago but have since found in my family tree research 2 generations of one of my family branches died in the battle here in 1513. 2 brothers and their sons. We visited the nearby church too, which is thought to have been used as an infirmary and mortuary in the aftermath of the bloody battle that lost Scotland her king and thousands of men.

As well as Flodden we visited Ad Gefrin in Wooler, also had a lovely lunch there, then Malemin with its wooden post circle then dinner in our hotel and a sunset walk after.

I am not smiling, I'm grimacing. I totally get why David loves gliding, but its really not for me. This is only the second time in the 12 years we've been together I've gone gliding. My stomach is finally settling. The views of the hill forts and surrounding area were amazing, we could see lindisfarne in one direction and all of the borders in the other. It was good to go up with David too for the first time since he qualified as an instructor ♥️

#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders

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