May already, plants, sun and Gnomes!

Oh dear behind again, as I keep saying, busy busy time of year at the nursery and home but at least at last some decent weather, isn't it glorious to see the sun and feel some warmth? The gardens and stock beds have exploded with growth over the past week and everything is looking amazing. Its lovely to see lots of customers enjoying the nursery and gardens. Potting continues as more plants come out the poly tunnels, filling the stock beds and sales area. We are making great progress tidying the stock beds, Isabel is working through the shade stock beds and I'm now in G's, we do have a lot of geraniums and geums!

In the beginning there was a no plants allowed on David’s workbench sign ………….. which of course no gardener is going to ignore……….. then there were plants, lots of plants over lots of weeks………………then this arrived! Apparently it’s the defender of the work bench…….now gnomebody is going to take this seriously especially us gardeners…….so the gnome ended up in jail to control its gnomey bad habits ………. Then it broke out (or was secretly liberated)…………… It keeps appearing in unexpected places…….. It seems indestructible…………My beloved husband knows my dislike of gnomes and the gnome ban in our gardens, but he seems to think that gmonebody gnomes better than he does……what will happen next in Gnomegate?

Along with our range of trees and shrubs we also have these fabulous specimen trees and conifers now in stock of you are looking for some instant effect.

Juniper 'Blue Arrow'
Cercidiphyllum japonicum
Pinus wallichianum
Corylus 'Purpurea'
Also in the photo Acer 'Extravaganza', Cryptomeria Elegans and Pinus Mughas ♥️

Plant deliveries are even more exciting when they are for me and my own garden 😃 Some new alpines to fill in gaps after re-doing my alpine troughs a couple of weeks ago ❤

What a glorious day on Saturday, thank you to every one who visited, shopped and enjoyed the gardens, it's much appreciated. We love that you love Quercus ♥️ it's always so lovely to hear how folk have enjoyed the gardens and nursery, it makes the Quercus team's hard work worth it 😍🤩
I managed a quick walk around the gardens before we left, there is so much coming into flower! I'm really pleased with how the gardens are looking, we won't talk about the weeds 😂

Another fabulous sunny day on Sunday with lots of lovely folks visiting the nursery and gardens, enjoying sitting in the sun on all the benches and seats we have in the gardens, making purchases, chatting plants and gardens and sharing with us how much they have enjoyed the nursery and gardens. It really makes us so happy that the nursery and gardens make you all happy ❤
I've planted up a couple of these fabulous terracotta bowls, one with herbs and one with alpines to give you an idea of what you could do with them. Sturdy thick terracotta, guaranteed frost proof by the manufacturer, they are a good price and look lovely planted up. They would also be perfect for bulbs.

With the better warmer weather it was time to get all our annuals planted out in the gardens, flowers and veg. I had a great help from Finn who was doing his school work experience with us last week.
Nasturtiums, sweet peas, cornflowers, chard, marigolds, runner beans and tagetes will add colour and food and help keep aphids and white fly away 🙂

Looking fabulous in the nursery and gardens this week, there is so much coming into flower, leafing up and providing colour, interest and joy for us all to see and enjoy, the bugs and beasties are happy too 😃

A lovely relaxing 2 days, my “weekend” off at home. We got the last of the painting and papering done in the room we are renovating finished on Monday, now just need to wait on the carpet being laid. Some gardening and planting done, enjoying the good weather in my own garden. Its such a different garden from the nursery which is good, same plants, different planting style and much more sheltered which makes a difference! Lunch outside with Poppy and Maisie enjoying the sun too. Tuesday and Betty and Julie came down to visit and we enjoyed a lovely lunch and a good blether and catch up at the cosy café in Peebles, well worth a visit if you are in the town. Grass cut, car washed and hoovered and an empty email inbox, ready for back to work tomorrow and another busy week.

#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders

 If you to see what's new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook

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Follow us on Instagram @quirkybirdgardener and Quercus Garden Plants


  1. Looking good both at work and home. We had the most unusual May in Finland, for nearly three weeks it was a heatwave with even the nights at nearly 20 degrees. So everything has burst into growth and so much is flowering now weeks earlier than usual.
    It's a lovely feeling to get things done, emails sorted etc.

    1. The weather has been crazy here, even for Scotland! So much torential rain and so cold for the time of year. The plants however are loving it!


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