Spring anemones are beautiful, they come in many colours and are easy to grow. Forming carpets of flowers in March and April once they get going under shrubs and trees and in shady borders. I was splitting some clumps to propagate last week while they are growing and I can see where they are. The white one is the native wood anemone, Anemone nemerosa and the yellow is Anemone x lipsensis both available to buy in the nursery, along with all these fabulous pots around them in the photos.
Does anyone else think the dandelions are more numerous with huge flowers this year? These ones in our orchard are trying to out compete the cowslips for attention this week! The bees are loving them though 

Behind the scenes - this might look like the most boring photo ever but for the Quercus team it is so exciting
For the nine years we've been here deliveries get unloaded in the carpark and then have to be barrowed up the hill to the nursery by us. Admittedly it does keep us fit but as David points out, we are not getting any younger.... So today we had our latest compost delivery put in the new delivery area behind the nursery for the first time and we can just barrow it straight through to the potting area
No more barrow it all up the hill. Cant wait to share with you what else we have planned for this space 
Crazy animal house here, enjoying the sunny evening in the summer house. David was at home today, supposidly in charge lol, then he lost both cat and dog! Poppy cat was found stretched out in the sun in the porch and Maisie was sunbathing in the back garden! Then they decided to collaborate to keep David on his toes as they toured the back garden 
I've always wanted to see the Northern Lights properly and there they were right above our house, never thought I'd see them from my back garden, truly amazing

What a fab day last Saturday was, the weather was great, the nursery was busy and it was lovely to help lots of customers get the plants and advice they were looking for. It was great to see some of our regulars and new customers too
Thanks to Fiona and David for all their help and the banter 
The flowers are Geum 'Leonards variety' which I was splitting during the week.

Epimediums are one of my favourite genus of plants and I am building up a collection of them at the nursery with 21 varieties now planted in the gardens. I hope to eventually build up enough stock to sell all of them and share the Epimedium joy.
The Epimedium genus is a group of plants native to woodlands in Asia and the Mediterranean. Flowering in spring, there are many varieties which grow well in shade and add a burst of spring color to the landscape and are ideal for ground cover. Most Epimedium plants have heart-shaped or long narrow leaves with red markings. They produce dainty flowers in spring on arching leafless stems. They can be seen in red, pink, purple, white, yellow, and orange and may bear a resemblance to orchid blossoms at first glance.
E. 'Queen Esta', E. Pinnatum subsp. Colchicum, E. 'Spine Tingler', E. X versicor 'Sulphureum', E. 'Togen', E. 'Valor', E. Epimedium 'Lilafee', E. 'Winter's End', E. x rubrum
Along with our selection of fruit trees we also have a collection of fruit plants in our sales area at the moment, just think of all those pies, crumbles, jams and so much more that you could be making in a few months and years time
Almost all these varieties I've grown myself in my last garden at 850 feet above sea level, in an exposed garden on poor soil. With organic matter and a feed every year they all did very well and provided an abundance of fruit every year. Varieties we have include: The shady pot corner in our back garden, facing north against the house wall this collectio of pots contains shade loving plants mainly with foliage interest. Foliage is as colourful and fascinating as flowers (in my humble opinion
I spent a lovely few hours in my own garden today, surrounded by my favourite plants, tidying up spring as we move into early summer, planting more plants, cutting the grass and sowing some annual seeds. I love my home garden, it’s the right size to keep on top of and then enjoy. Its great to see all the plants that I've put in since we moved here growing and filling the garden with life. The weather was lovely and warm with lunch and dinner outside in the back garden. We got two loads of rubbish to the tip and a carpet ordered for the room we are renovating.
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