Another Birthday, sunshine and hill walks

Work continues in the cold April days, the stock beds are gradually getting tidied, with lots of potting in between. I've almost finished working through the plants in the tunnel but there are still thousands to come over to the stock beds and sales area. Keeps me fit pushing all those barrows of plants! Fiona has finished potting up all the cuttings taken in the second half of last year that have roots and been in the tunnel over winter. Isabel is working through the shrub stock beds, tidying and getting some lovely unusual plants out into sales.

Celebrating Adams birthday, a great night catching up in Edinburgh for Mexican food

Made myself a very colourful dinner

Epimedium 'Valor'

Some of the wee treasures flowering in my garden at home this week ❤


Narcissus 'Minnow' 

Narcissus 'Pipit' 

Narcissus 'St Patrick's Day'

Narcissus 'Thalia' 

Prunus 'Kanzan'

Viola 'Blackjack' 

Looking good in the nursery gardens this week

Five weeks after starting the new path in the scented garden the ground was finally dry enough to get back to it. Another section done, only about a third left to do and then we can sow the grass seed. I'm really pleased with how its looking so far. Might have to move a few more plants along with the ones already moved in the autumn. Work in progress 👍

Lots of popping colours in the test tubes this week, it finally feels like spring is springing ❤️

April in the front garden ❤

At last a lovely spring day and at last a walk in the hills. After a morning being pampered at the hair dresser (me) we packed some snacks in the rucksack and headed off to do the first part (or second depending which end you start at) of the Buchan Way. I’ve been wanting to do this walk since moving here and it didn’t disappoint. Bonus we could set off from the house (having taken one car to the other end at Stobo) Up around Cademuir with glorious views back over Peebles and then over to Huddleshope. Down to the picnic benches at Kirkton Manor for a snack and rest before heading back up hill. From Kirkton via the Glack and up over Glack Hope. Plenty lambs in the fields and birds overhead, they like us enjoying some sun and warmer weather. From the top of the hill we headed down towards Easter Dawyk farm and the Stobo valley, to pick up the car at Stobo Village Hall. A fine 6 mile walk in great weather, we actually tired Maisie out which is not easy!

Cademuir, Buchan way walk from Peebles to Stobo

The south side of Cademuir, looking over Huddleshope

Manor Water

Heading up Glack Hope

At the top of the last hill

Looking north up the Stobo valley

Stobbo village hall

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