So, despite my best efforts, I am unsurprisingly behind with my blog updates, its the busy time of year at the nursery, at home creating my own garden and everything else. So don't be surprised if several appear as I try to catch up. The weather, well, I am bored with it now, talking about it, being cold and wet. At time of writing and catching up it is on the upward temperature wise so maybe we are finally moving into spring-like weather instead of wet winter? We can hope.
Looking good in the nursery gardens over the last few weeks, some spring beauties to cheer us up in the endless rubbish weather. Thank goodness for plants, chocolate and wine to get us through the recent weather. Here's to a better month in May for sales!
A colourful corner of the shade border |
Brunnera macrophylla 'Betty Bowring' |
Crocus 'Barr's Purple' in the orchard |
First cut of the season |
Primula elatior |
Prunus cerasifera pissardi 'Nigra' |
Synthyris missurica subsp. Stellata |
Trachystemon orientalis |
Anemone nemorosa |
Anemone x lipsensis |
Astilbe, Rheum and Primula in the shade border |
Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' |
Lysichiton camtschatcensis |
Maisie in the woodland garden |
Muscari armeniacum |
Osmanthus x burkwoodii |
Ribes 'Koja' |
Here are some bright colourful heathers to cheer you and your garden up. Available in two sizes, they are great for containers or in the border and once the bees come out great for them too
Storm across the sea in one colour, paynes gray |
Erythronium White Beauty |
Its not always pretty flowers, plants and new features in the garden, either at home or at the nursery, and you’ll know we’ve had our fair share of weather related disasters at the nursery this year so far, to add to the stress of running a business In last Saturday’s storm it was the turn of the garden at home and the bamboo screen on the boundery fence was demolished. Time to invest in something more robust, really pleased with these arched trellis, not cheap but should be up to the job. I’ve also planted two clematis on them to soften them.
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Great company and great food celebrating Ben's 30th birthday lovely to catch up with Ben and Cheryl and Coco the cat |
Behind the scenes - With Fiona potting on average 400 - 500 cuttings when she is in on a Saturday and all these seedlings germinating in the tunnel, we have lots (and lots and lots) of new plants coming on, some will be for sale later this year, some will take longer to grow to a sellable size. Its part of the ever revolving propagation cycle, one of the parts of the nursery we love, creating new plants from seed, cuttings and divisions from our plants in the nursery and gardens.
What a lovely day! Sun and blue skies, still a bit windy but hey, great weather on my day off so spent the whole day in my own garden
I re-did the alpine troughs with fresh soil and feed, tidied the front garden, spread more compost on borders, lifted leaves in back garden, planted plants, weeded parking area, cut the grass with my sidekick who wanted to chase her ball all day. Lunch out side too!
Giving my alpine troughs some much needed attention. I removed the gravel from the top and some of the smaller plants then replaced the top few inches of soil with a compost soil mix, with some fertiliser added. There were vine weavels in some troughs which might be why some plants were failing, so I've watered on nematodes since then. The gravel was replaced on top and some new plants added. They are looking much better.
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