Back to it last Monday and time to get another year in the nursery started. It was foggy, frosty and cold but good to be back and to get a start on all the jobs that need done before we open in two months. First offis weaving the willow fedge, a three week job, but ideal for cold weather. It was a joy to see the first snow drop and Cyclamen coum in flower and lots of evergreen and stem colour, especially in the winter garden. I love it when a planting plan comes together.
Bergenia 'Overture' |
Cornus alba 'Sibirica' and Carex 'Ice Dance' in the winter garden |
Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea' and Viburnum davidii in the winter garden |
Cyclamen coum |
Galanthus elwesii |
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Hedera helix 'Buttercup' |
Helleborus foetidus |
Polypodium x mantoniae 'Bifidograndiceps' |
Its always exciting when all the seed orders arrive in January, just the HPS seeds to come. The seeds in the cardboard box are our own seeds gathered from the nursery gardens. We have annuals, veg and perennials including some new varieties we haven't grown before which is exciting. We will start sowing these in the polytunnel in February. An ideal job for a wet or freezing day when we can't get anything done outside.
I managed to get 12 feet of willow weaving done this morning before the rain got too heavy to carry on. But there is always plenty to do what ever the weather. I tidied out the greenhouse, removing dead leaves and gave it a water while the water system was defrosted!
Winter is a great time to clean, fix and oil your garden tools before you need them in the busy season. This is especially so for tools with blades (and includes lawnmowers, strimmer’s etc).
I got my Felco secateurs for my 18th birthday and they have been by my side for all of my working life, which means I've had them for 35 years in that time I've replaced the blade 5 times and the spring twice and now the bolt and nut that keeps them together. The coating on the handles is worn, but I love them the way they are. They've proved more reliable and trust worthy than a lot of people who have passed through my life! They get used almost every day, all day. It just proves investing money in good tools is worth it. I strip them down using the tool that came with them, I've even managed not to lose that! Once in pieces they got a spray of oil and then a good scrub to get all the plant debris, rust and muck off. I leave them for a while with another spray of oil. After an hour or so I rub them down and put them back together, replacing the blade if needed. As well as longevity Felco are great because you can buy each piece individually on their website, so you don't have to replace the whole secateurs.
I was delighted to be asked to write an article for the The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society - The Caley 2024 journal about creating Quercus. It was a pleasure to contribute to the journal. If you are interested in gardening and scottish gardens, a membership of the caley and supporting all they do is very worth while. You can find them here on Facebook and on their website. They now have a dedicated base at Sauchton Gardens in Edinburgh which is also well worth a visit.
We enjoyed another excellent meal at Francos tonight. A perfect night out and a 5 minute stroll from the house 
Thank you to every one who came to our willow fedge weaving workshop last Saturday. We definitely got the best weather of the week. I forgot to take photos of everyone as time went so quick as we were having a great time. The sky was amazing to finish off the day 

While David was away gliding again, I had a busy day in my own garden today, tidying the front garden. All the old growth cut back, compost and soil added to improve the shallow stoney ground, steps swept, gravel raked. Great to see the spring bulbs starting to come through, Daffodils and tulips are already showing and the Hellebores have nice fat buds on them. I am hobbling about and my arms and back are not forgiving me. The downs side to winter off, I get out of fitness. Ps how did that dog get in so may photos?
Lunaria annua mixed |
Hellebores beginning to flower
Hedera helix 'Fantasia' |
Epimedium 'Zhushanense' |
A meadow scene |
First week back ad its been a damp, drizzly one but not too cold. I always dread the first week back after being off, but its always fine once I'm there and there's no escaping the big to do list!
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