From autumn to winter, enjoying my hibernation

We discovered a new walk from the house. The views from the forts above Janet's Brae were glorious. It wasn't the walk we set out to do but it was great to get up high and get a different view of Peebles and the surrounding area.

A walk in the woods

A new view over Peebles


Heading back off the hill out of the cold wind

Euonymus europeus, the spindle, in the late afternoon sun today. This tree, planted in the woodland garden, has covered itself in fruits this year, more than ever before. And it is still going, the orange seeds are really pronounced now below the fruit cases. Mother Nature is so good at putting together colours that should clash, yet effortlessly work. It makes a large conical shrub with brilliant autumn colour, bronzed purple-red leaves and red fruits with protruding seeds that have orange arils (fleshy seed coats). Any well drained soil in full sun or light shade. H 3m, S 3m.

Just gonna say, OMG I painted this today 😄 really challenged myself

A wee glimpse of the northern lights down here in the Borders tonight ❤

A chilly day spent finishing off the pruning of Jamie and Natasha’s neglected fruit trees in the garden they’ve taken on with their house. We thinned them out and removed dead and diseased wood a couple of months ago. Today we thinned them further and reduced their height by at least a third. They look much better already and hopefully will keep producing fruit for years to come and be a haven for the birds and beasties.
Great to catch up with Jamie, Natasha, Cheryl and Lee too.
How much is that doggy in the window? Priceless 🤣🤣🤣

If you’ve been on here long enough or have visited the nursery you’ll know how much I love grasses and I love to talk about how much they add to a garden. People are often put off grasses because they have experienced the thugs of the plant group. But there are so many wonderful well behaved ornamental grasses that add movement, colour and texture to the garden. Tall short, evergreen deciduous, yellow, green, blue and even pink and bronze, containers or in the border, shade lovers and sun bathers, there is a grass for every garden situation. What’s not to love and when you see them in the late autumn sun at the end of November how can you not want a well behaved grass in your garden?

Molinias in autumn

Miscanthus sinensis 'Silberfedder'

A wet evening in Edinburgh last night, but great to catch up with Becky, Adam and Ian over some good food.

Althaea officinalis

Evergreens are so valuable through winter. Giving us colour and structure as everything else dies back and hibernates, this is when they step up and come into their own. Glossy green leaves, bronzy hues and bright reds catch our eye in amongst the debris of old leaves and stems. These were some that caught my eye when I was in the nursery this week.

Bergenia 'Wintermarchen'

Chard Rhubarb

Cyclamen hederifolium silver leaved

Helleborus argutifolius

Polypodium x mantoniae 'Bifidograndiceps'

Viburnum davidii

Another winter scene today - Blackbirds and sloes 🙂

For the plantaholic, the plants person and gardener in your life, not sure which plants they do or don’t have? Gift them a Quercus Garden Plants voucher so they can choose them selves. There’s nothing better than being able to browse a nursery and choose lots of new plants for your garden. I know, I am a plantaholic, good thing I have a nursery hey! You can buy our vouchers on our website for any amount over £5 and we will post it out to you, postage is free. Follow the link before to start your gardening Christmas shopping.

A very cold walk along the north side of the river and back along the south side today, brrrrrrrrrr

We had a lovely walk around the Monteviot Lights tonight, hot chocolate and mulled spiced juice kept us warm. The Japanese water garden was the best bit, lovely music as we walked round, and not too busy like the botanics 🙂 The staff were lovely and friendly. Great event for the borders.

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