..... : nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while." - Kin Hubbard
There's lots coming to life in my own garden at home this week. Plants I've put in since we moved here are beginning to do their thing and turning this wee town garden into an oasis of colour and wildlife.
Epimedium 'Zhushanense' |
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Epimedium grandiflorum 'Queen Esta' |
Epimedium grandiflorum 'Queen Esta' |
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Epimedium x versicolor 'Discolor' |
Erodium |
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Honesty |
Narcissus 'Delnashaugh |
Oxalis minutifolia |
Scleranthus biflorus |
I've recycled the old unused water tank we found in the bathroom cupboard in to a water feature in the back garden
A miniature bull rush and water lettuce have made it into a recycled contemporary water feature
It's all about those eye popping colour combinations at this time of year 

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Camassia in the herb banking |
As well as getting all my annuals planted I also started the painting in the back garden started. The dry weather might be frustrating from a gardeners point of view, lack of rain = unhappy plants but it does make painting easier. I got the wee fence on the patio painted with 2 coats and the smaller raised border, again 2 coats. They look so much better and vibrant. Just the big raised bed, the arch and shed to do (shed and arch will be a different colour. David took the trailer and went to get all the fence bits for the new fence which will go along the bottom of the back garden when the hedge is removed.
We visited Shepherd House today, found in the conservation village of Inveresk just outside Musselburgh. My first job was in the NTS Inveresk garden, a very very long time ago. I have been back a few times in the last (gasp) 37 years! But not to this garden. It is an absolute hidden gem, just of the main road in a sheltered walled garden. Developed over decades this is an oasis of colour, structure and great planting combinations. Total garden envy of course, lol. Dog friendly and lovely owners who are happy to chat. Lunch in a wee café next to the harbour in Musselburgh and then a walk along the harbour and along the beach.
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