Autumn, at last, my favourite season

There is no denying autumn is here after a summer that feels like its gone on for ever. No that I'm complaining, its been lovely to have a summer, but the heat and relentless sun was too much for the plants and me at times. I am thankful we are getting rain and the pressure on the water system is much easier. This time of year becomes a bit more relaxed in the nursery and gardens, the bulk of the propagation and potting has been done and the gardens relax into their autumn colours. I get a chance to do tasks I haven't got round to and plant up new borders or gardens. 

Crocosmia in the nursery garden

Rosa rugosa hips

Stewartia pseudocamelia

Sunflowers in the herb garden

Anemone x hybrida 'Königin Charlotte'

Anemone x hybrida 'Königin Charlotte'

Echinacea 'White Swan'

Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Giant'

Erigeron karvinskianus

Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Rosea'

Old lead headed nails in the back wall of the house, used for holding up climbing plants

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Our Bulbs have arrived at last ⭐️⭐️⭐️
We are doing our very popular pick and mix bulbs again this autumn. Buy as many or as few of each variety as you need. Enough to fill a small pot or a whole collection of pots or your borders. We have a selection of Narcissus, Tulips, Alliums, Crocus, Scilla, Fritallaria, Camassia and lots more.
We still have a selection of plants with autumn colour, Asters just about to flower for autumn interest, dwarf conifers for evergreen winter interest and some lovely items in our wee shop, ideal as a gift for some one of yourself.

Piggies are back at Whitmuir 😊🐷🐖

Enjoying our sunny house 🙂

Starting to paint all the doors and woodwork in the hall, they are now dazzling white

Autumn views in the nursery gardens this week

The scented and herb gardens

Rudbeckias, Sedums and apples

Stipa gigantea 'Gold Fontaene'

My birthday and Christmas presents for the rest if my life (apparently) arrived today. A beautiful garden bench and fire pit. Bring on the marshmallows and mulled wine. And we saw an owl in the back garden while sitting enjoying the fire. We've used the bench most nights for our evening coffee until the weather changed.

The ears from the pits of hell 🤣🤣🤣

We had a lovely afternoon with Andrew and Linda a couple of weeks ago. Lunch and then sitting out in the garden with a glass of wine and catching up friends, what better way to spend a day off.

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