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Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' in the sales area |
Hi everyone, well we have that much needed rain, tho it feels like it's all at once
be careful what you wish for!

I haven't been doing much on social media as we moved house nearly 2 weeks ago and have been in the midst of decorating, sorting and unpacking as well as busy in the nursery and no Internet in the new house either yet, whole other story
we are loving our new wee house and getting it sorted out. I also have a new garden to play with, yay! If you want to see the progress and transformation of my new project you can follow me on insta and face book where you'll find me as the @quirkybird gardener.

The nursery and gardens are looking fab and we have our charity open day tomorrow 21st August so please do pop along and support us and our charities.
Junkshopantiques have opened their huge new shop in the farm building and it looks amazing. Viki has worked hard to get all her stock together in one place at last and you really must visit this unique and special antique shop.
See you soon 

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Blueberries |
I couldn't resist planting up this empty area at home in my new garden one evening after work this week. I cut back this area of beech hedge which badly needed cut (and will do the rest next week) then I planted some dry shade plants with all year round interest - Brunnera 'Emerald Mist', Millium effusum 'Aureum', Epimedium rubrum and Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign'.
This garden is going to be all about my most favourite plants, which is going to be challenging
Good thing I've got my nursery Quercus Garden Plants where most of my plants are planted.

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Beautiful stargazer lilies, £4.50 each in 1 litre pots. Smell amazing ![]() |
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Rainbows over Peebles |
Thank you so much everyone for your lovely birthday wishes last week, it's very much appreciated

A quiet day at work and then a walk up to Peebles High Street and a very nice meal in the Crown. Finished of the evening with a walk along the Tweed with Maisie on her evening walk. A lot if bats about keeping batman company 

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Thank you so much

Thank-you to everyone that came to help - Sam, Isobel, David, Daniel, Betty and Calum. I really appreciate your help and moral support.
Team work

Sneaked out side between the rain showers and domestic chores last Monday to plant up some herbs in the raised planter. This planter already had sage, marjoram and parsley in it along with some lovely lavander, nasturtiums and marigolds which I have left. I've added in:
Agastache foeniculum (Anise Hyssop), Allium cepa perutile (Everlasting onion), Allium cepa proliferum (tree onion), Foeniculum vulgaris 'Purpureum' (Bronze Fennel), Melissa officinalis (Lemon Balm), Rosmarinus officinalis (Prostratus Group) 'Rampant Boule', Satureja montana (Winter Savoury), Thymus 'Bressingham', Thymus serpyllum var. albus, Thymus vulgaris, Thymus x citradorus, Tragopogon porrifolius (salsify).
Going back to work for a rest lol. A day of domestic chores and sorting stuff out and 3 trips to the tip, trip to the charity shop, banks, dry cleaner, post office and then picked up some take away lunch from Della's in the High Street including that very tasty lemon drizzle cake. Spent the afternoon in the back garden sorting through and putting away all the garden and outdoor stuff that got dumped on the lawn when we moved here 2 weeks ago. Maisie had a great time in the garden, she loves her new garden and would live out there given the chance
Ended the day with a lovely evening walk along the Tweed across one foot bridge and along the other and back home while David was away doing bat stuff. Another lovely warm summer day.

#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders
Find out what's been happening in our garden at home like our Facebook page
If you to see what's new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook
Find out more about the nursery here - our web site: www.quercusgardenplants.co.uk
Follow us on Instagram @quirkybirdgardener
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