Crazy week this week, but in so many good ways. We are in the throws of the last of the packing up of our rental house, who knew you needed so many boxes, despite having got rid of so much stuff, again! The hot weather is unrelenting and I know a lot of people are very much enjoying it but it is causing a lot of angst in the nursery. Never mind being to hot for working in, I really dont like this kind of heat, our water supply is also getting very low. The nursery plants aren't getting enough water often enough, it now take 2 hours for the water tank to refill, when in normal circumstances its continuous. Having to make decisions about what plants get water and hoping we dont lose any more is so hard, when you think of the hard work my staff and I have put into creating the plants over the last few years. I've never wanted rain as much as I do now, because its reaching critical.
Meanwhile here are some of the fabulous plants doing their thing in the nursery gardens this week.
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Clematis florida 'Seiboldii' |
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Aquilegia formosa and Trifolium rubens 'Red Feathers' |
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Aster diplostephioides |
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Aster diplostephioides in bud |
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Butomus umbellatus |
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Catananche caerulea |
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Clematis terniflora var. Mandshurica |
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Hemerocallis 'Destined to See' |
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Hemerocallis 'Stafford' |
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Leucanthemum x superbum 'Esther Read' |
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Verbascum chaixii 'Album' |
Last Friday was such an exciting day! David and I got the keys to our very own house it's taken a long time to get to this and a lot of work but we did it. This is the first house we've owned together so its super special. It needs a lot of tlc but we love a project, a challenge and it will be our wee place. Lots to do before we move in next week

The sweetpeas are from the nursery gardens, they smell divine, and have done really well this year with an abundance of flowers 

Viki at Junkshopantiques is setting up her new amazing huge shop space in the Whitmuir building. Her gallery sop is open so please do pop in and browse and shop from all the amazing stock she has.
Toilets are also open in the main building, yay, and the whole place is being tidied and loved.
See you soon 

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Weekend staff were working hard today |
We've discovered some old wall papers in the house as we've been poking about and sorting stuff out in cupboards and elsewhere. This week on our days off and every evening we have been at the new house decorating the bedroom before we move in and various other fixing jobs. Its hard going working, decorating in the evening then back to the rental house to pack more stuff but we are nearly there. Can't wait to actually move in on Monday.
It seems there is nothing like decorating with a Jack Russell! Its always there, poking its snout in where it shouldn't be, sitting on things and generally being a russell.
There's nout like a deadline to work towards. Bedroom furniture arrives Friday. No problem, just need to gut the bedroom, paint, job done we can do that in a week 

But no, the wardrobe the previous owner left had no carpet under it, so when we removed it, hole in carpet, carpet not the best anyway 

But we found proper wood floor boards underneath! Off to tool hire for a monster sander and it's edging friend. The boards have come up beautifully and David is putting the first coat of varnish on, but it needs at least 3 coats, ain't gonna be done for Friday and the ceiling and walls needs at least one more coat of paint 

In-between all that we've stripped the walls and ceilng of paper (ceiling was not planned), polyphillad everything back together and got the first coat of paint on the walls and ceiling.
Owning an old house has its challenges but so worth it 

But you know what, furniture can stay in another room, it will be done when it's done and I can't wait to see the room finished as I see it in my head

Well Monday was moving day. We've spent the last week removing stuff from the new house to the tip, cleaning, trying to de smoke it, decorating the bedroom which was in a worse state than first thought, but now it's even better 

Exhausted and dead on our feet working, decorating and sorting but at least after tomorrow we won't be going back and forward between 2 houses 

See you on the other side
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Mad Maisie |
Hi everyone, still here. House move went as well as one if those goes. First time we've employed a company to move us, amazing. Would highly recommend local company Cavalry Transport Ltd , the guys worked hard on a super hot day. Lots of unpacking was done on Tuesday before back to work on Wednesday, its starting to feel like home. Lots of sorting and decorating to do as and when.
Priorities when you move house, making sure your house plants are settled
its really hot in this porch, so these should do well. Also realised there are three Junkshopantiques purchases in this wee grouping. The Hungarian butchers block, wee table and the earthware jar on the floor. Always something useful and unusual to be found in Viki's shop.

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