"If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance."

Maisie would like to tell you about the new aquatic plants now in stock. We have some fantastic plants, lots with flowers on and looking fab. They have made a great addition to the aquatic plants currently in stock. We still have water lilies and many other marginals, aquatic compost and baskets.

A couple of customers have asked about water hawthorn, which we now have available and more oxygenators which are always popular 🙂 New plants:
🐸 Tulbaghia violacea
🐸 Equisetum hymale
🐸 Lobelia 'Queen Victoria'
🐸 Astilbe assorted colours
🐸 Nymphoides peltata
🐸 Aponogeton distachyum
🐸 Pontaderia cordata 'Alba'
🐸 Pontaderia cordata
🐸 4 packs of oxygenators
🐸 bunches of oxygenators

Tulbaghia violacea

Pontaderia cordata 

Pontaderia cordata 'Alba'

New water plants in stock

Mimulus luteus 'Queen's Prize'

Lobelia 'Queen Victoria'

Equisetum hymale 

Aponogeton distachyum

The sales area is tidied and filled up ready for the weekend. Lots of lovely healthy, unusual, interesting and colourful plants mostly growing in the nursery. Trees, shrubs, perennials, grasses, water plants, annuals, herbs, alpines, compost, pots and decorative garden items and so much more.
The nursery gardens are looking beautiful at the moment so make sure and visit and enjoy a walk around them 😊
See you soon 😊

The pond in our wild life garden is looking great at the moment and full of life when you look closer. The water lilies have lots of flowers this year and there are always frogs, damsel flies and newts to spot.

Back in October last year I did some root cuttings of all the Echinops varieties we have here in the gardens. You can see the process in the original post by following the link below. This week we've been potting up the results of these cuttings. I'm so pleased with the results, love an experiment that goes right 😃 30 odd plants each of Echinops ritro and Echinops 'Blue Globe' are now potted and growing on for next year 🌱

Five years ago I planted six Dactylorhiza orchids from my own plant collection in the bank above the herb garden. They have gradually spread in the bank and this year there are 50 flowering!!! They are also appearing elsewhere in the garden, in borders, other wild flower banks and even more in the wild flower meadow. Giving nature a nudge then letting her have free reign is such a great thing to watch. These orchids are a thing of beauty and seeing them spread naturally is fantastic.
What I'd really like to know is if they are all common spotted, marsh orchids or a mix, or a cross. If there are any native orchid experts out there please visit the nursery while they are in full flower (now) and help me id what we have for definite. Thanks 😃
Meanwhile I'm going to keep enjoying them and counting them 😆

Views from around the nursery gardens this last week. The gardens this year are the best they've ever looked, I'm so happy with them. Come and visit and enjoy them too 🙂

Scented garden

Scented garden

Stock beds with rain approaching

Herb garden

Maisie in the railway garden

The railway garden

The bottom terrace

The bottom terrace

Scented garden

Scented garden

The herb garden

If everything goes to plan this will be our new regular dog walk! So excited! And stressed, the waiting on decisions from money people and lawyers is a nightmare, 6 weeks so far!
A day spent, planning, packing and chucking out, just your usual day off lol.

Title quote - - Bern Williams

 #rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders

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 If you to see what's new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook

Find out more about the nursery here - our web site: www.quercusgardenplants.co.uk

Follow us on Instagram @quirkybirdgardener

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