My feet are parched,
my eyeballs burn,
I scent no flowery gust;
But faint the flagging zephyr springs,
With dry Macadam on its wings,
And turns me 'dust to dust.' " - Thomas Hood, Town and Country
June has certainly been a very mixed weather month so far..........
Epimedium |
Achhhhh, so behind with blogs again, life is busy and getting busier with all sorts on the horizon, most of it good. Meanwhile I'll keep bombarding you with pretty plant pictures lol :D
Geranium macrorrhizum 'Spessart' |
Meconopsis cambrica |
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Rheum palmatum v. Tanguticum |
Rheum palmatum v. Tanguticum |
Sinacalia tangutica |
The dry shade border |
Viburnum plicatum f. Tomentosum 'Pink beauty' |
Yellow hosta |

Coffee anyone? Just for fun a quick and easy ink and water colour coffee |
The stock beds |
Some photos of the nursery and gardens in the sun last week. I am so happy with the way it is all coming together. It is lovely to see customers enjoying what we've created.
The exotic corner |
Stream garden |
Stream garden |
Stream garden |
Stream garden |
Checkerboard in the herb garden |
What is happening in the nursery this week? Heads down getting on with all the propagating, potting and tidying. I've been making more progress in the stock beds, tidying, potting and sorting and labelling. I've finished the first half and am now at C (working backwards, so nearly there!) Sam has been potting up hundreds of seedlings and cuttings in the poly tunnel. Cuttings have been rooting very quickly this year, so some that were done a month or so ago are now potted and in the farm tunnel! Isobel has been creating more cuttings, potting tubers and divisions lifted from the garden for stock for next year. The nursery is heaving with plants at all stages! We've never had or produced so many. A great sign the nursery is doing well.
After a few wet, dull days here is some plant sunshine
Look at those vibrant colours, just the cheering up we need
Iris pseudacorus 'Berlin Tiger' in the wildlife pond |
Calceolaria 'Kentish Hero' |
Chrysanthemum segatum |
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Trollius yunnanensis |
Nasturtiums in the herb garden |
We have a small selection of indoor plants available in the sales area. These have been propagated from my own collection and are mainly cacti and succulents. There are also some Abutilon 'Ashford Red' which makes a large plant ideal for a conservatory or heated greenhouse and flowers all summer into autumn with vivid red flowers. You will also find some Agave, Aloe, Echeveria and cacti.
We also have a range of pots perfect for containing your indoor plant .
I love when the postie beings an interesting parcel and not bills and rubbish mail. My order from The Botanical Candlemaker arrived today and the house is full of amazing scents, before I've even burnt one. I always have one of these candles in the house, their scent is amazing, they last a very long time and come in glass containers that I've recycled as wee flower vases. Made by hand in Edinburgh using natural essential oils and natural plant wax this ethical and ecological small local business is well worth supporting. Find them on social media and on their website below.
My order was the candle discovery set, try three of the scents in a smaller size before buying large.
Also featuring my beautiful machair flower bouquet from Viv at Earthware andother amazing local business and artist.
A wee quick geranium |
Getting back into baking after a long long time and enjoying it. Today I had a lot of apples in the freezer to use up from last autumn so I made apple and olive oil cake which will get a maple icing on it when I use it. I also made carrot, apple and pecan muffins and a cake with the left over muffin mix. Great to have some cakes in the freezer for the up coming busy time and some to munch on this week.
This dog, this dog is something else
A wee penguin, why not? |
A relaxing day off. A pile of boxes of stuff to the charity shop, a walk around Dawyck Gardens and a lovely lunch then a walk from Manor Bridge towards Lyne Station along the old railway line.
#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders
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All contents and photographs © Rona, unauthorised reproduction & use of these images is strictly forbidden, thank you
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