Simply cornflowers |
Its not often we get to see great evening sky colours as we live in such a narrow valley which runs north south, so we miss sunrise and sunset, but the colours must have been amazing elsewhere if we could see this. Everything was pink.
Wednesday, it was raining, alot, so I tidied and labelled all the plants in the covered area and got them out to the sales area. The alpine table is now filled up and looking colourful with its rows of coloured foliage. In the afternoon it was time to crack on with spring cleaning the stock beds now the gardens are tidied. When you visit over the next month or so this where you will probably find me. Tidying, feeding, top dressing, re-labelling and potting up at my mobile potting bench in the stock beds. Its great to see the difference every day makes and of course I am making room to get all the new plants for this year potted and out for sale.
Thursday and another cold wet day. Sam got a selection of all the hardy herbs in the stock beds into sales and I carried on with tidying the stock beds. Lots of propagation, top dressing and potting means lots of lovely plants for our customers over the coming months. A lot of last years propagation into 9cm pots is now coming over from the tunnel to be potted and go out into the stock beds. On Friday Sam started sowing the perennial seeds to go over to the polytunnel and Isobel was cutting back last years growth in the stock beds, making it look much tidier. I was back in the stock beds. Its all coming together.
Amazing sky over Lamancha on the way home from work on Thursday |
Did you know you can buy seeds gathered from the nursery gardens on our website. Postage is free so if you fancy growing something interesting from seed this year why not choose from the following by clicking on the link below:

Soooooo in amongst all the stressy farm sale stuff, today this happened. Chris, one of our customers came in to the nursery, she reads my blog, and she was so moved by all the stressful stuff that happened to us last autumn, especially losing Bracken, she gave us this beautiful pastel drawing of Bracken which she did from one of my blog photos. So kind, we all had a few tears, it's absolutely him
Thank you so much Chris, you really made my day, my week x
Finally after a long time we have a second barrow to be able to take your purchases down to the carpark. David has, as he put it, pimped my barrow, replacing the rotten wood with a brand new board.
The small passenger is an optional extra 

Another gorgeous day on Sunday, slightly cooler but lovely sun all day. Planting some new plants I bought at Cambo in the gardens and then more of the stock beds tidied and potted.
Snowdrops |
Primula denticulata |
Pulmonaria 'Blue Ensign' |
Ranunculus 'Brazen Hussy' |
Seasonal pots |
Warning! #superproudmum post 

Years ago when Dan was at nursery and early primary it was a very tough time. He was marked as a difficult child, sent home all the time because the school refused to deal with him and it was easier to send him home. I wont deny his behaviour could be challenging and right from the get go he was different from his brothers. A change of head teacher at primary marked the change to better times when Dan was referred to be assessed, given a class room assistant and eventually went to Carnwath Primary where they were much better at dealing with kids like Dan. After a wait of 5 years to be assessed he was diagnosed with Aspergers. He wasn't a bad child he just didn't know how to and couldn't cope with certain situations. Armed with his diagnoses and an understanding that there were reasons why he was how he was, amazing support at school and as a parent being able to help him manage through life, we made great progress.
As I have always said to him, Aspergers is a part of him, it does not define him.
In high school he was in main stream classes by second year with no support and doing brilliantly in class and socially, creating a close group of friends.
College and growing his engineering skills in granny's garrage over the past three years has seen even more great progress for him.
On Saturday Daniel travelled to York to be presented with The Young Engineer of the Year award organised by the Northern Association of Model Engineers.
we always wonder where our kids will end up when they are children, with Dan I was constantly worried his life would be challenging. If only I had known how he would fly all those years ago 

I have been blessed with 3 amazing sons, who fill me with pride and love every day. I miss them all the time now they are not at home but love seeing them get on in their lives

Autumnal woods, emerging into sunlight Using three colours - burnt sienna, ultramarine and raw sienna |
Never one to waste a day off even if unplanned, Maisie got two walks, no way was i wasting that gorgeous weather, house cleaned, houseplants repotted, lunch outside, painting done. Yes I did sit for a while outside and do nothing.
Tuesday and a walk at Traquair in the sun, then over to West Lothian in the afternoon and a run around a dog field then dinner with Betty and Dan in Linlithgow.
#rural #countrylife #countryliving #cottagelife #antiquecottagescenes #interiors #scottishborders #independantretailer #smallbusiness #localbusiness #independantplantnursery #uniqueplantnursery #hardyscottishplants #scottishgarden #gardeningontheedge #scottishborders
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