The winter garden complete |
Pleased to say no damage to the nursery after that wild windy weather last Friday night and on Saturday, it was a worry as there was a lot of tree debris on the way up. We never know what we are going to find when we arrive at the nursery!
Thanks to David who came into the nursery with me and helped barrow 3.5 tons bark along the bottom terrace to finish off the winter garden and top up the bark on the other borders on the bottom terrace (being positive that this is worth doing)

So that's one of this years new gardens finished in time for opening, I hope you enjoy the winter garden when you visit 

In other news there is a new closing date on the farm sale of next Wednesday, so if you have a cheaky wee lotto win to spend get your offer in now
here's hoping for some good news and an end to months of uncertainty 

Home to a power cut, thank goodness we have a log burner and coal fire for some heat. Spent the evening snugged up in the lounge |
Dandelions and sunlight, painted on Sunday while I was puppy sittinng, while she was sleeping! |
I got given a plant of this Chrysanth by a customer last autumn and they've been flowering away in the greenhouse in a very lime green kind of way....... except they should be a dusky pink.......
Celia bought Chrysanthemum 'Avignon Pink' but they obvs arent, the ones she kept are green too, so wrong plants sent from the supplier! Oooops.
Acorus 'Ogon' in the wildlife garden |
Betula pendula |
The pond in the wildlife garden |
It was still on the windy side on Tuesday, with some really strong gusts at times making it challenging to pick up plant debris. Today I tackled the stream garden, wellies on, any excuse for a paddle! Dry feet too as I finally got round to getting a new pair of wellies with no holes yay! I set my self the task of tidying the stream garden, top dressing with our own compost and putting bark on the track side border but I actually got that and the stream extension done in one day! One happy gardener. It looks so good once done. Some plants are flowering way ahead of when they should be. Pulmonaria rubra ‘Ann’ is flowering already and Primula ‘Gigha’ is months ahead!
Wednesday and more progress in the nursery gardens, the weather was mizzly drizzly but I got the large entrance bed cleared, cut back and a new covering of bark on. What a difference. FInished early to got to the dentist - yuk. David kindly came in and spread more old road planings around the back of the office in our work area. No more trudging through mud Yay :D
Bergenia 'Clare Maxine' |
Wild Cosmos - something lighter, I really need to get myself out this deep dark rut of despondancy. |
Plants from the stream garden -
Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea', Verbascum thapsus, Bergenia cordifolia 'Purpurea'
Geranium dalmaticum, Rumex sanguineus var. Sanguineus, Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, Pinus mugo Pumilio Group
Tellima grandiflora, Primula 'Gigha', Vinca minor 'Argenteovariegata'
Juncus patens 'Carman's Gray', Luzula sylvatica 'Hohe Tatra'
Carex 'Evergold' |
Primula 'Gigha' |
The nursery entrance ready for opening in a months time, signs washed, climbers tied in, gravel topped up |
February doing what February does. All plans to tidy another border on Thursday were put aside and instead I got on in the Polytunnel. I moved all the perennials seeds sown last year and not germinated yet freeing up the sunny bench for the mouse vulnerable seeds to be sown next week. I tidied through, fed and top dressed (and where needed split) all the shade prop plants and young shrub plants. Back to the office in the afternoon and the heater to sort out all the seed packets (I counted them, just over 250 packets
) into annuals, mouse vulnerable annual seeds and perennials. No matter the weather there is always plenty to do.

Snow day! |
Hardy gardener |
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