And wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
What a busy weekend! Great to catch up with friends and family but nothing else done. A naked Christmas tree standing in the corner of the lounge, must find time to decorate it and the rest of the house! On Saturday we went shopping in Peebles, bought the Christmas tree and some foodie treats from the market. Home to do bits and pieces and then out to our friends Andrew and Linda's for dinner. It was lovely to catch up with them and more of their friends and family. A very late night and quite a lot, ok a lot of wine drunk! Good thing we could have a long lie the next day.
Christmas mice on the mantlepiece |
Tiramisu for pudding |
Monday saw us at the nursery before 8am in readiness for the roofers coming to fix the mess they made of it last week when they were supposed to be fixing it after the tree fall. 9.30am, no roofers, several phone calls back and forward to the company, and long story short they pulled guys of another job and they have now fixed the roof properly. What a carry on! Exhausted! I did get all the gravel int he sales area raked, some randowm leaves lifted and all the tables cleaned down and worst of the rotted slats replaced. So instead of getting home before lunch and having an afternoon at home catching up, we didn't get home until nearly 4pm. At least I got all the Christmas decorations up this evening.
Tuesday at the dentist, 2 fillings, tooth out and scale and polish. What a difference in the treatment, so glad I changed dentist, this one is so much better in so many ways. It was a thought after being with the same dentist for over 20 years, but their care and service were going down hill so it was definitely time to change. For someone that hates going to the dentist this is high praise .
I then had a productive day, getting the house cleaned and under control, lots of christmas prep done, some painting done, feeling much more on top of things now, all it takes is a day at home.
A few weeks ago I mentioned I'd bought myself some art supplies with the intention of relaxing, switching off and spending time on something I used to do years ago (a lot of years ago). I've been painting and drawing on and off since I bought it all. This is the first one I feel able to share and which I spent a couple of hours on today, completely switched off from the outside stresses. I'm not happy with the river, but over all, not bad. I may share earlier attempts in the future if I feel brave or am having a what the hell moment
For now a wintery birch tree scene. At the moment I don't find it very relaxing, I'm too critical of my attempts, lol, I know eye rolling!
Relieved to say that's our Christmas shopping done, just the last of the food for next week to get. Shops weren't too evil, the advantage of being able to go on a week day. Another plant delivery done in town for the nursery too this morning.
This Christmas wreath is so easy to make. You can use any type of wire that is easily bent into a circle. Wind it round several times, what ever size you want. I used this silver coloured florist wire I had lying around and looking for a use. Glue on some star anise, the smell is amazing and then tie a ribbon to the top and hang up.

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