More days off due to all the snow and freezing temperatures last week as well as inches of snow the temperature has been down to -11C again at the nursery! This is a worry where the plants are concerned as to what has been affected in the gardens and in the stock beds and tunnels. Only time will tell and I'm trying not to stress to much about it now when I cant do anything about it. So I have been working from home doing admin, sign design and sending them to the printers, walks and so on.
On Sunday we went a walk along part of the Southern Upland Way along the side of St Mary's loch, stunning scenery, intense blues and a great walk we will definitely go back and do more of along the rest of the loch and all just down the road from our house. A really enjoyable walk.
This year as well as Cowslips we have four new seed varieties for sale. Collected by myself from the nursery gardens, you can choose from Cowslips, Fennel, Angelica, Primula florindae and Papaver sommnifera mixed singles and colours. Packets are £2.50 each and available to buy on our website with free postage! You can buy them on our nursery shop website page.
We've put up some bird feeders and a squirrel feeder at the back door, so far we've got a nuthatch, loads of blue tits, some coal tits, a chaffinch, black bird, robin and a couple of pheasants!
Nuthatch |
I'm not really a hat person, but when I saw this one I knew I had to treat myself, I love it and its so cosy
Thank you

A world shot (mainly) in black and white. Seconded to David Dodds Associates for the day, we are our
wee bubble. Surprisingly no more snow up north than we have here at home when we could see anything for the mist.

Today got off to a great start, I had company for breakfast! Red squirrels are so super cute and we have one in our garden, so exciting. Another bonus of living in the Scottish Borders.

One thing about all the snowy and freezing weather is I've got some tasks done that have been waiting for ages. One was to clean and oil my secateurs, having bought a new blade too, it was time to get it done.
I got my FELCO
secateurs for my 18th birthday
which means I've had them for 33 years
in that time I've replaced the blade 3 times and the spring twice. The coating on the handles is worn, but I love them and they have been by my side everyday. I stripped them down using the tool that came with them, I've even managed not to lose that
Once in pieces they got a spray of oil and then a good scrub to get all the plant debris, rust and muck off. I left them for a while with another spray of oil. After an hour or so I rubbed them down and put them back together. As well as longevity Felco are great because you can buy each piece individually on their website, so you don't have to replace the whole secateurs.
I used them today for the first time with the new blade, what a difference and I still have all my fingers intact, bonus!

Tulips from David |
New signs arrived back from the printer, they are going to look fab in the stock beds |
Spotted - first snow drops in the garden |
Useful plants from the garden - Antennaria dioica 'Alba'“Pussy toes” A mat-forming, evergreen to semi-evergreen perennial with tiny, spoon-shaped, silky, grey-green leaves and leafy stems bearing clusters of small, fluffy, white flower heads in late spring and early summer. Plant in sun and well drained soil, ideal for ground cover or at the front of the border. H 15cm, S 30cm. This plant is more commonly grown as a low growing perennial, ideal for ground cover at the front of a border, in a container or in a rockery.
I didn’t find much about uses for Antennaria, it is now maninly a decorative garden plant. Catsfoot has been little used in herbal medicine though it was once used in mixtures for the treatment of bronchitis and bilious conditions. The plant is very rich in mucilage which makes it very valuable in the treatment of chest complaints. It is also used in the treatment of liver and gall bladder complaints, hepatitis and diarrhoea. Externally it can be used in a poultice for sprains, bruises, boils and painful swellings. The herb is gathered in May before it comes
into flower and can be dried for later use.

Another excellent meal from Val at Thyme to Dine tonight.
Lovely to relax with a glass of wine after a wet and freezing day at work |
Sometimes its not just about the garden, the plants, the task list, planning and the job I'm working on. Its also about the light, the sunset, the fresh freezing air and the birds singing as I work. It was lovely to see blue sky today even if it was freezing. On another positive I managed to finish the willow weaving today, yay! Great to get that huge task out the way, even if I do enjoy doing it. Onto the next job tomorrow
This pretty much sums up today. Snowing all day, dull, a black and white world and its still snowing. Positives - I did get lots done in the house including defrosting and cleaning the freezer. It was cold enough to put all the contents of the freezer outside while I cleaned the freezer and nothing was even slightly defrosted 
No squirrel on the bird feeder today but I did see a woodpecker for the first time here 
Dinner tonight - Home made pesto and pine nut bread,
Lemon and coriander hummus, roasted pepper,
pistachio and dill yoghurt and spring onion salad
Bit of a long one this week but catching up Yay!
Take care, stay safe and stay well.
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