Monty Don's book "Down to Earth" covers a wealth of subjects, with thirty six small chapters and then a section covering every month through the year. Covering everything from design, weather, containers and children to pruning, growing your own veg and composting its full of Monty's down to earth and thoughtful observations and experience of gardening.
This is a great book for those making their first foray into gardening or for more experienced folks looking to re-connect with basic garden knowledge. Or just a good read if you like Monty and enjoy his writing. Its a bit like sitting down with the man himself and having a chat about all things gardening, his views and experiences of gardening.

Its not an in depth how to book for every subject covered, but good information to get you started and whet your appetite for ideas and projects in the garden. Some pages have lists for suggested plants for certain types of conditions or styles of garden. Monty takes you through working out what you want from your garden and what to consider when looking at designing or changing your garden, from essentials like paths and seating areas to what kind of garden you want to have.
How to tell when you should be sowing seeds in spring:
"Traditionally farmers would go out into a field, drop their trousers and sit butt naked on the ground to test the soil. This might raise an eyebrow or two down in the allotment but the principal is sound. Wait until the soil is not to cold to your touch before sowing any seed outdoors"
"Never try and make children into gardeners - that will happen in its own good time - but do encourage them to love the garden"
The book is illustrated with photos from Longmeadow, Monty Don's garden, the current base for Gardener World. They illustrate clearly the subject in the chapter and are lovely to look at and often different views from what we are used to seeing on TV during Gardeners World. Monty has different gardening condition challenges in his garden from what we have in the nursery and it is always reassuring to read about other gardeners' struggles with weather, ground conditions and so on. Where ours is exposure, height above sea level and cold, Monty's it wet and flooding. I can't imagine what it must be like watching a garden disappear under water several times a year!
Its not a book I set out to buy, but I can't resist a second hand bookshop bargain and this will sit well on my gardening book shelf along side books by those other great gardeners, Carol Klein, Beth Chatto, Christher Lloyd and Piet Oudolf. I enjoyed reading it on a snowy freezing afternoon in front of the log burner with a hot chocolate, dreaming of spring and summer days in the garden.
Down to Earth by Monty Don. Dorling Kindersley, 2017.
ISBN - 078-0-2413-1827-0
Most of my books come from second hand book shops or charity shops or as gifts for birthdays and Christmas. I always head to the gardening section first to see what gems I can pick up. Having a large collection of garden books already I am quite choosy about what I buy or am gifted, usually to fill in a gap of a garden or plant subject. So I am always very happy when I come across good books or some I've been looking for, its great recycling and if from a charity shop hopefully the money goes to good causes.
You can read more book reviews and about my gardening book shelves here.
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