............ look so cold so forlorn.
Gray skies dip ever so low
left from yesterday's dusting of snow.
Yet in the heart of each tree
waiting for each who wait to see
new life as warm sun and breeze will blow,
like magic, unlock springs sap to flow,
buds, new leaves, then blooms will grow."
- Nelda Hartmann, January Morn
The weather has been all over the place with snow, freezing conditions, the snow freezing so there hasn't been much chance to get back to work fully in the nursery. I went back in on Monday and did a few bits and pieces as I had to be there to receive a delivery which never arrived! Annoying as the weather wasn't the greatest but I did finish turning the compost heaps and removed the rotten pallets along one side, ready to be replaced. I gave the greenhouse a tidy which meant I was in the warm and dry for a while. The delivery lorry had broken down, they promised it would be delivered next day on Tuesday It didn't arrive until Friday!

I love my new houseplants from local small business Holly Grows
. I chose a String of hearts which I've been looking for for ages and a Fishbone cactus. Just need to find somewhere to put them now.

The kitchen window sill |
Window sills - The kitchen window looks through between a birch and Rowan tree, over the road to the woodland beyond. In winter it's much lighter with the leaves off the trees. I love the way the light comes through glass so this was the perfect place to put these big vases and bottles, made from recycled glass. They are available to buy from my nursery shop (shameless advertising) The antique green bottles I already had and the basket of candles are a random collection for power cuts, candle holders and so on.
Blue sky |
Tuesday was a cold, damp day still with plenty snow on the ground after snow showers over night and then it freezing. I did bits and pieces of work and tied in the Clematis I planted against the office wall last year. They are alpina and macropetala varieties which put on a great display of flowers despite being small in their first year. I thought about started weaving the willow but it was too frozen. We did however in the evening get the last of the point of sale printed out for the stock beds and sales area. Almost doubled the amount we have this year which is great progress.
Wednesday and Thursday, sleet, freezing, rain, snow, hail we had it all, so I stayed home as days off, swapping with Saturday and Sunday when weather is to be better. I got a few things done around the house and and some nursery admin done.
Some bright colours for a dull miserable weather day |
Back in to the nursery on Friday, the snow and ice are melting, thank goodness. It was good to get some actual work done in the nursery. I had to be there for two deliveries (exciting ) Luckily the willow wasn't frozen unlike earlier in the week so I got about 30 feet of it woven. Its always good to get the big tasks started. I had a break to unpack and photograph more new stock for our wee shop.
The first lots of willow weaving done |
A bit of a mixed weather day on Saturday with some showers, but at least the snow and ice is melting. I spent the day weaving willow making good progress while David sorted out the fencing delivery that arrived yesterday. We grow em tough up here
this wee cowslip is WAY ahead of itself.
But such a welcome spot of colour in the nursery garden |
Back in on Sunday and a third day of willow weaving, making good progress along the first side. Meanwhile Bracken was about keeping an eye on the nursery, usually from the comfort of his bed in front of the office heater! David put up the posts for the new trellis between the stock beds and our messy area behind the office. He then made a start on the fence for our expansion plans.
I hope you are all coping ok in this continuing pandemic and wintery weather. Its a long hard slog to better times.
Take care, keep safe, stay well x
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