Well what a week! We've gone from being a nation free to move around and do what we please to a lock down and eerily quiet roads, streets and skies. As a business owner its a scary time, as a mother with all my children left home, it's frightening, not being able to see them face to face or help if needed. But we just need to get on, do the best we can and hope for the best. Thankfully our last week of opening before having to close was a week of good weather, lots of lovely customers visiting who have been very supportive and encouraging, both in making purchases and their moral support. It means a lot.
Prunus 'Kursar' on the lower terrace coming into flower |
It feels like spring has sprung, warm in the sun with the birds singing and plants coming into growth and flower. It all feels a bit surreal given whats going on outside the nursery in the world and on our doorstep. I have been working away in the tunnel, tidying the alpines and bringing some over to sales. I've finished tidying the nursery gardens at last and finally feel like I am catching up. There are lots of signs of plants coming into growth and flowers beginning to open and colour up.
Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Purpurea' |
Euphorbia griffithii |
Helleborus nigre |
Primula 'Old Port' |
First ladybird of the year |
Hair cut anyone? Ok so yeh, I shouldn't give up my day job. Eleocharis acicularis getting a pot winter hair cut before heading to the water plant sales area in the nursery. Hair grass, also known as Needle spike-rush, is an attractive dense-growing British native grass and is an excellent oxygenator if grown under water, where it will grow to around 15cm high. It is also happy in shallow water but will be much shorter. It provides an excellent under water habitat for amphibians and other pond life.
A lovely surprise on Saturday in amongst the chaos, my blog featured in the
Scottish Gardener Magazine, Many thanks to The Pink Wheelbarrow
Even the sky looked ominous driving home on Friday night |
The herb garden spring cleaned |
Some of the stock bed borders tidied |
Looking back towards the sales area |
The weather on Saturday and Sunday were lovely on what was to be our last weekend of opening at this time |
Blue skies and bare branches |
Mothers day gift form youngest |
Following the announcements on Monday night we are now closed for the
foreseeable future, until it is safe to open again. The support we have had
from everyone has been incredible, thank you so much. It's never goodbye but see you soon.
I'll keep posting plant, garden and whatever other nonsense I come up with
here, in my blog and on instagram. Stay safe, stay well and see you on
the other side.
Narcissus 'Tamara' |
On Tuesday afternoon, because we can't go out for a day out on our day off I finally got a chance to sort out the shed where all my
gardening stuff was dumped when we moved here in December. I forgot to take a
before photo, but enough to say you really couldn't get in the door without
severe injury!
A couple of hours listening to
podcasts saw the whole shed transformed and now I can get to everything I might
need and I got rid of stuff!
This isn't a potting shed like I had
in my own garden 6 years ago sadly, this is a storage shed. It's a lovely old stone shed for sure, full of character, but I dont have
any potting to do at home any more. Now all my potting is done at the nursery
or in situ here on the wee patio at the back door.
Stay safe, stay well in these troubling times
If you want to find out what's been happening in our garden at home like our Facebook page
If you to see whats new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook page
All contents and photographs © Rona, unauthorised reproduction & use of these images is strictly forbidden, thank you
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