Last week it looked like our early summer had been blown away by storm Hector and left the nursery looking more leaf strewn than it does in autumn! What a mess and so much work to tidy up. After all my hard work tidying the stock beds over the past month or so there are plants everywhere and leaves in amongst everything.
Friday's first task was to tidy up the nursery and gardens. No structural damage, just battered plants and a lot of leaves and branches down off the trees. It was like early autumn. Never thought I'd be using my leaf blower in June!
Once the storm blows through, who ya gonna call? Leaf busters! |
If you are looking for something to do join me on Sunday for a walk around the nursery and gardens |
There are lots of events through out the year here at Whitmuir, have a look at our events page and see individual businesses for details:
Events Page
This week summer has left with the storm taking the sun, blue sky and warm temperatures with it. The weather is now making up for the lack of rain through May and June and seems determined to catch up in one day! At least our water supply will be replenished and I don't have to do any watering! The temperatures have dropped to 10C, brrrrrrr.
Other than the weather, news from the nursery is all about early summer colour in the gardens. The Irises, geraniums, Astrantias and Thalictrums are all looking fantastic, the winter and late spring has if anything made them more stunning than ever! If you are looking for inspiration to fill gaps in your garden after spring, now is the time to visit and see whats flowering.
The wild flower bankings are in full summer colour with Ox eye daisies, campion, yellow rattle, grasses, ragged robin and spotted orchids.
The herb garden is also looking fab, with lots of colour and ideas. Considering this is just it's second year, I'm impressed with how established everything looks already. The annual herbs are planted and the nasturtiums are beginning to colour up too.
I'm loving this colour combo with Kale 'Scarlet' and Nasturtium 'Tip Top Apricot' |
I've finished spring cleaning the main perennial stock beds and am now working through the shade area. There are new plants being potted and put out as I go and it's filling up nicely. If you have a tricky garden area you can get help and information on our website here Quercus Garden Plants
Propagation has slowed to a more gentle pace now in the tunnel. I'm working through the stock list doing cuttings where required and potting up perennial seedlings as they are ready. Lots of exciting new plants coming to the nursery from the tunnel next year.
The stream garden gets better and better every day |
Georgina and I, catching up after 30 years |
Last Saturday I had a day off so I could catch up with an old college mate. We haven't seen each other for 30 years! It seems like only yesterday that we were leaving to explore the big bad world of work and real life. Me to work at Hopetoun Gardens and Georgina to do a course at Wisley but had to leave early. One of the reasons we've never had a chance to meet up before now is that Georgina comes from Argentina, so is rarely on this side of the world. She is over for several months visiting family and friends. It was amazing to catch up and find out all about her and what she's been up to. All too soon it was time to take her back for her bus after visiting the nursery, but we're hoping to meet up again before she goes home.
Pelargonium 'Nicola Buck', P. 'Copthorne', P. 'Gray Lady Plymouth', P. 'Ardens', P. cucullatum 'Flore Pleno', P. unique 'Voodoo', P. cordifolium var rubrocinctum, P. 'Cys sunburst, P. stellar 'Rookley' |
Pelargonium 'Rimfire', P. 'Dolly Varden', P. 'Rogue', P. 'Glacis', P. 'Imperial Butterfly', P. 'Arctic Star', P. 'Tornado', P. 'Stadt Berg', P. 'Tip Top Duet' |
Pelergonium trifidum, P. 'Aztec', P. 'Deer Wood Lavander', P. 'Morwena', P. 'Ashby', P. 'Meon Maid', P. 'Pampered Lady', P. 'Attar of Roses', P. 'Yhu' |
I'm not getting much time in the garden at home, it's a bit of an embarrassment really and I'm glad no one sees it! From one extreme to the other with the nursery gardens looking beautiful to this weedy mess here at home, hey ho, hopefully I'll get a few evenings soon where I'm not too tired and can get some tidying done. I did however manage to take some photos of my Pelargonium collection, as you can see above, plenty colour in amongst the 50 odd varieties I now have!
The Potting shed garden |
On Tuesday we had a local day off, with me having a bit of pampering in the morning, getting my hair done then we headed to a local garden in Broughton open under the Scottish Garden Scheme. If you are looking for inspiration for what to grow at 900 feet above sea level on a hill in the borders, then this is a great place to visit (aswell as our nursery of course, lol). Established for 10 years it is a riot of colour, texture and views over the valley. A combination of planted bankings, walls and grassy paths leading you up the hill through trees and wild flower plantings to enjoy the views at the sitootery. Jane the owner is a customer at the nursery so it was lovely to go and visit her creation and see how well the nursery might look in ten years! The garden is open every Tuesday into July.
Afterwards we went for lunch in the wee tearoom in Broughton and then took Bracken for a walk along the old railway line. A relaxing day off in our own back yard.
Alliums going over but still beautiful |
Anthemis |
Astrantia |
Clematis close up |
Foxgloves on the woodland paths |
Velvety purple Irises |
Views from the garden |
Oriental poppies |
Ox eye daisies with Coulter Fell in the back ground |
Paeonias |
Pulsatilla |
Semperviviums |
Wild roses on the old railway |
Walking along the old railway line |
Bracken enjoying his walk |
Who else is looking forward to the return of sunny warm weather? I know I am, see you soon.
If you want to find out what's been happening in our garden at home like our Facebook page
If you to see whats new and looking good at the nursery like our Facebook page
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All contents and photographs © Rona, unauthorised reproduction & use of these images is strictly forbidden, thank you
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