Lets get the weather out the way first shall we? At the moment it's a dry day, a wet day, a dry day, a bit warmer, but no consistency or stability. Still at least it saves me lots of watering at the nursery.
One of the lovely things about this time of year is the abundance of fresh herbs from the garden, mint, basil, parsley and tarragon for a potato, courgette and goats cheese quiche |
A gorgeous summer evening and the view from the back garden |
Adding herbs into the garden meets wild flower mix for the cafe flowers this week |
I've been a bit under the weather with a lingering cold, hay fever and the effects of working six manic days a week since the beginning of February. With less than a month until the wedding (yikes!), the nursery still being very busy (a great thing), the worry of my sister's worrying health and so much to do I have been taking lots of tonics and cold remedies to try and get my energy levels back up. Some sleep would be cool too. I'm aiming to also take every second Monday off and try and catch up at home and relax (ha ha).
Does any one else feel they are always peddling furiously and never just coasting along?
Although I was weeding it was nice to be doing it in the sun while listening to the crickets in the long grass |
A place to sit in the sun and enjoy the scent of the sweet peas in the scented garden |
Cutting the first sweet peas, it's ages since I've grown them so I picked my favourites to grow here in the nursery. Left to right 'Beaujolais', 'Old Times' and 'Wiltshire Ripple'. The scent is fabulous.
David has now finished the stairs between the herb garden and wildlife garden and the path through the wild life garden, so we are well on track for the wedding now. Everything is looking fab we just need sun and I have to keep on top of the weeds. One thing I've noticed while working in the nursery gardens are the amount of bees buzzing about. It's reassuring that our small corner has a good number despite country wide declining numbers.
Busy bees in the garden |
This week has mainly been weeding and the usual nursery jobs. I've got all the borders apart from the stock bed borders done, but the weeds grow again as soon as I turn my back! The downside to opening up new ground. There are lots of summer interest plants making their way from the tunnel to the sales area. Penstemons, scented Pelargoniums, lilies and Salvias for summer colour.
David has turned our farm auction sieves into a feature in the nursery, I've planted a Clematis in front to climb up it |
On Monday I headed to Innerleithan to meet with our wedding photographer to finalise the details. It was a scorching day, so good to see the sun and blue sky. After the meeting Bracken and I climbed up to Pirn hill fort above Innerleithan. Once at the top there are great views in all directions along the Tweed Valley and north to the Moorfoot Hills We extended the walk by walking along the forest path to the golf course and back.
Four paw drive makes hill climbing much easier |
Looking north from Pirn Hill fort to the Moorfoots with Lee Pen on the left |
We parked on Leithen road jut off the main road through Innerleithan in the car park on the right side of the road. From here it's a quick walk heading north along the road to the sign pointing right for the hill fort. Walking between the houses you cross a lovely old stone bridge across the Leithen Water. Once across the bridge follow the path up to the right to the info board and map.
If you look at the map please note the "you are here" pin is in the wrong place. To walk to the fort take the path to the right heading up hill and turn left at the blue marker. From here you follow the path around the hill and take the rough grass track at the back of the hill to the summit. The way down takes you down the other side and back to the info board where we carried on to walk to the golf course.
Bracken the adventurer |
The view over Innerleithan |
Yeh! Up a hill |
Lee Pen hill |
Grasses and wild flowers with Lee Pen in the back ground |
Walking through the woods towards the golf course |
Sambucus racemosa in the woods |
It was lovely to get an extra day off, just what I'm needing at the moment to get my energy back and catch up. On Tuesday David and I went shopping which is always regarded as an necessary evil. We needed to get some final wedding bits and pieces and things from the DIY store to finish of several projects at the nursery in time for the wedding. We had some lunch out and managed to tick everything off our to do list for the day. The weather was lovely again and it was nice to wear summer clothes and sandals and get out of my work boots for a change. In the evening David, Dan and I headed into Glasgow to meet up with Granny, Ben and Jamie to celebrate Jamie's 21st birthday. We had a lovely meal in Prezzo, an Italian restaurant and finished off with surprise birthday cake and candles. I have mummy rights which mean I can embarrass my children at will.
Jamie, another son reaches his twenties! |
Architectural detail on the canopy of Queen Street Station, Glasgow |
Sunset on the way home from Glasgow |
Sunset in the mirror |
A wee quick round up of last week, the time is going so quick, I think I must write a blog and then realise I haven't done the week before. Hey ho.
Hope your week is going well and you've got better weather than us.
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