As the garden slides into late summer we are having extremes of weather here in the borders of Scotland Beautiful sunny hot blue skies are quickly followed by wet windy and cold weather the very next day! But the plants are standing up to it and carrying on regardless. This year the prairie bed in the front garden is really coming together and the quickly sown annuals are filling the empty corner on the patio with lots of bright colours.
A mixed packet of Nigella (Love in the Mist) has provided lots of jewels that have brightened up an empty corner |
The mixed nNgella seeds have produced some lovely singles and doubles |
I love this light blue one |
Agastache 'Black Adder', a lovely plant I hope to have available in the nursery
next year |
Astrantia 'Snow Star' which has flowered for months in it's shady north border |
Centranthus ruber var. Coccineus also coping well with the shady north border, this one benefits from a
dead head and will usually give a second flush of flowers to the end of summer |
Lamium maculatum 'Beacon Silver', a great grund cover plant under this big Elder. The silver leaves
are much more pronounced in shade and brighten up a dark spot |
Bellium bellidioides, an alpine curiosity with blue daisy flowers. I first came across as a child and spent a lot of years
trying to find again, eventually stumbling accross it a couple of years ago. I now have a healthy clump of it in one of
my alpine troughs. |
Borage, a beautiful blue in the borders, great for bees and will hapily self seed around the place, try the
white flowered one for a bit of variation |
Cirsium rivale 'Atropurpureum', a tall clump forming perennial
loved by the bees |
Eryngium x zabelli 'Jos Eijking', there are many Eryngiums on the market these days, but for me this is one of the best,
good height, lovely blue and copes with my high, cold garden and clay soil |
Geranium dalmaticum, great for ground cover on any soil and sun or shade. Grows to about 12 inches and covers
itself in pink flowers all summer |
Hosta 'Pandora's Box', a tiny Hosta, perfect for alpine troughs, which
is where this one lives, with it's variegated foliage and mauve flowers
it stands out despite it's size |
Lewisia cotyledon, a seedling I grew quite a few years ago, it has so far coped with wet winters in the trough,
ideally should be covered in winter, but often the trough covers blow off and it survived |
Malva moschata, the Musk Mallow, a pretty plant for the border which will seed around enthusiastically, there is also
a white variation which wil also cope with my colder garden conditions |
Primula florindae Red form, a specially selected plant by myself from a
batch of seedlings, the deep red flowers are also scented and will cope
with damp to we sol in sun or shade |
Rosa 'Eye Paint', a shrub rose with small red flowers and a white eye |
A striking Sempervivium which I have no name for, it has these
big yellow flowers in summer |
Aconitum carnmarum 'Bicolor', an interesting alternative to the usual
deep blue aconitums |
Clematis integrifolia 'Rosea' which I grow in a big ceramic pot |
Echinacea 'White Swan', this is the first time I've successfully grown Echinaceas, they much prefer
the more sheltered garden in a valley I am in at the moment |
Echinacea purpurea 'Rubinstern', the colour fills the whole petal as the flower opens out |
Gaura lindheimeri, until now I'd never grown these, and am blown away with them,
this is their second year and they are covered in flowers |
Leucanthemum 'Esther Read' with a bit of editing on the back ground |
There is nothing cheerier than the humble marigold |
Or Nasturtiums, these guys are scrambling about the edge of the patio under and over everything |
Part of the prairie bed in the front garden which has been very successful, at the
moment it is a riot of blues, pinks and whites with the Gaura, Echinops and
Echinacea |
Triosteum pinnatifidum, another shade loving curiosity with it's fuzzy white seedheads |
So a wee wander around what's looking good in the Quirky Bird Garden this month, what's looking good in yours?
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All contents and photographs © Rona, unauthorised reproduction & use of these images is strictly forbidden
I love the Lamium and the Nigellas... would be really interested to see a photo of the tiny hosta! Also a question... I thought Gauria was an annual but your text implies a perennial. Is that so?
ReplyDeleteHi, Gauras can be annuals, perennials or sub-shrubs. This one is a perennial, I wasn't sure how it would do up here in the cold, but so far so good. Appologies for the Hosta, I've labelled it wrong, it's H. 'Pandora's Box', I'll try and get a photo of it leaves and all :)