Another month gone already, where are they going? We're in that early summer lull where spring flowers are over and we haven't quite reached the full explosion of summer colour. The hot, sunny weather of the last few weeks has really brought plants on and now we've had a big dose of rain, they are looking very lush and fabulous (so are the weeds sadly). In the containerised garden at home the plants are coping very well with being in the large troughs and pots, it's nearly two years since we left the last garden (I know, that time thing again!). So here are a few photos of what's looking good at the moment.
The first time my Paeonia tenufolia has
flowered since I got it six years ago |
An unknown Paeonia tree cross with lovely
dark flowers |
Geranium phaeum 'Mourning Widow', a lovely dark form of G. phaeum
which goes well with Astrantia 'Buckland' in my garden |
Aquilegias, Geraniums and Astrantias are the back bone of borders at this time of year, in their many colours they form a great foil for more choice Alliums, Camassias and Nectaroscordon.
Astrantia 'Claret', a quick growing robust Astrantia, ideal for the more exposed garden |
Astrantia 'Buckland' |
Aquilegia 'William Guiness', one of my favourites, plant it with apricot Foxgloves and dark leaved Actaeas
such as A. 'Brunette' |
Hairy buds of Meconopsis just
waiting to burst |
Primula alpicola, a delicate species in yellow or
purple with a delicious scent |
Ranunculus aconitifolius 'Flore Pleno', this is a great plant for dividing up contrasting colours, it looks like a
big Gypsohelia once bulked up, I love it |
Rhodiola rosea |
Another lovely combination, Veronica gentionoides.
Euphorbia polychroma and Aquilegias |
Dactylorhiza hybrida, Astrantia 'Claret' and Hosta |
Brimeura amethystiana in an alpine trough |
Geraniums and Ranunculus |
Astrantia 'Buckland' and Geranium phaeum 'Morning Widow' |
Persicaria bistorta 'Superba' and Actaea 'Brunette'
make a great team |
Aquilegias and Camssias |
Camassia leichtlinii 'Plena' |
Adiantum aleuticum 'Imbricatum' and Heuchera
self sown seedling, |
Nectaroscordum siculum |
Nectaroscordum siculum, Thalictrum and ferns |
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All contents and photographs © Rona, unauthorised reproduction & use of these images is strictly forbidden
I am glad I looked at your post as I have a columbine I had no name for. I can see from your picture that it is probably Aquilegia 'William Guiness'.
ReplyDeleteTHe darker the purple the more likey it is William Guiness, one of my favs :)
DeleteYou tease me with that Geranium G. phaeum Mourning Widow Rona - it's a beauty. Astrania are very reliable in the garden - I wouldn't be without them. I hope the nursery is keeping you busy despite the rotten weather.
ReplyDeleteHI Angie, I do like the phaeum geranums, 'Samabor' with it's marked leaves or 'Album' with pure white flowers are well worth growing too. Busy with so much to do and business is ticking along nicely too :)
DeleteThat peony flower was well worth the wait Rona. What a great colour. I enjoyed your June blooms some of which are favourites with me too especially astrantias and geranium phaeums. I've also returned to your May blooms (19th May post) as you mentioned a primula auricula 'Helen Ruane' that appealed to me. I'm slightly puzzled though as when I've looked for information on the internet about this plant all the images that I come up with show a completely different coloured flower. Help! I'd really like to track down the plant that you featured :)
ReplyDeleteHi Anna, I've looked at my auriculas and it's entirely my fault in wrongly labelling the photo. P. 'Helen Ruane' is the pale creamy green one that comes up in searches under that name. As to what the one on my blog is I don't know, I have quite a few that are un-named which I have picked up here and there because I liked the flowers. I think that is one of those.