Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - March 2016

In some ways I can't believe we're half way through the third month of the year already, in others it still feels like winter some days, but there are signs of life in the garden, leaves are shooting and emerging, early flowers and blooming and the birds are singing their wee hearts out. This is our second spring in the in between garden and most plants seem to be coping in their moving garden troughs and pots.

I'm just going to leave to enjoy the photos of whats flowering in my garden this week.

Chrysosplenium macrophyllum

Corydalis malkensis

Crocus 'Cream Beauty'

Galanthus 'Hill Poe'

Galanthus 'Hill Poe'

Galanthus 'John Grey'

Galanthus 'Magnet'

Helleborus 'Double White Spotted'

One of my own Hellebre seedlings

Another of my Hellebore seedlings

Snowdrops and Hellebores

An early daffodil in the grass in the front garden

The leaves of Erythronium dens canis

Euphorbia mellifera in the greenhouse

Salix x melanostachys

Narcissus 'Tahiti'

Read about more Garden Bloomers Blog Days here at May Dreams Garden

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All contents  and photographs ©  Rona, unauthorised reproduction & use of these images is strictly forbidden


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks John, its amazing what you can find when you really look, we're always a week or so behind, being higher and colder.

  2. Gorgeous snowdrops and hellebores! And I love euphorbia too. We had some at the last house, bought from a plant stall at a farmer's market. Must go back for a replacement or two...

    1. Hi Sarah, it's so good to see some colour at last. I do like Euphorbias, they are such a varied group of plants :)


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