The start of this week and there is blue sky and sun, all be it minus temperatures, icy and still a smattering of snow on the hills. David came over for the day and we started the work at the entrance to Whitmuir. This involves the removal of six feet of hedge, digging over a new border on either side of the road and planting up, new signs for all the businesses, and generally improving the approach. What we discovered on starting to remove the hedge was how waterlogged the grass verge is! We ended up knee deep in gloop, it was like moving around in brown wet cement. We managed to get the trees out and will re-use the smaller ones in a new hedge in the native garden. Having waded in gloop long enough we opted for a drier job scraping all the silt, weeds and rubbish off the edge of the road and discovered another 10 feet of kerb stones under it. Several trips to the bonfire got rid of the hedge cuttings and I also started tidying up the rows of Birch trees planted along the road side into the farm. Cutting off the broken tree guards and trimming up the trees, taking off the lower branches that were encroaching onto the road way. I wish I'd taken a before picture as by the time we finished it looked like a totally different place. It was great work for a frosty day, we were nice and warm. Next job is to finish tidying the trees up and digging over the new beds. An early finish for me as I had a well earned appointment for a head massage and hair cut, a lovely hour being pampered before heading home to teenagers and dinner.
The compost area before |
An after of the compost heap area, we finished turning them and tidying the area on Monday |
Thursday was a day off to take eldest to a job interview in the middle of the day. There was a bit of snow over night, but not the amount that was forecast. Blue skies and the sun shining for a change even if it was freezing made the day and I got some snowy photo of the Pentlands on the way home. I also got lots of outstanding chores done in the morning before we went out including starting dinner which needed to cook for 3 hours, a pork and cider casserole which was very tasty. Once home I caught up on paper work and started another page on the website. I'm feeling like a cold coming on again but at least I am sleeping better the past three nights.
East and West Cairn with Harperigg Reservoir, Pentlands |
East Cairn |
B&W Pentlands |
Road to Edinburgh |
The Pentlands, looking east |
Bracken having fun in the snow |
Sunset Doglet |
The weather is getting colder and colder and the greenhouse heater is going full blast. I spent a bit of time doing the cafe flowers on Friday morning and catching up with Andrew and Linda in the gallery. Then it was on with paper work and admin as it is too cold and frozen to do anything outside. Early afternoon saw me heading home to carry on doing admin in the warm house, I'd lost feeling in my toes and couldn't get warm. I had an afternoon of doing the ironing, chatting to Betty and doing some admin. After tea, she and youngest headed to his Dad's for the weekend and I caught up on more work. Lots of shiny plant catalogues to look through and new items to add to the
nursery shop web page and Facebook. I've also finished another page on the website for
trees and shrubs.
Sunset, as the crow flies |
Another chilly day, steeled myself to defrost the car and head to work. I had a few things to do and then planned to come home and do admin and website work in the warmth of the house. I put the planters of herbs in the cafe and then had a coffee and blether with Linda and Andrew. Sadly Andrew is closing the Wood Shack and won't be at Whitmuir from the end of January. I shall miss our wee chats when he walks the dogs during the day. By lunch time, after an hour or so sitting in the office doing admin with the heater making no difference I packed up and headed home. Once the heating was on in the house I sat and toasted my feat on the radiator along the back of my desk. By tea time I had finished the last of the website pages. This is a big long term job off my task list and also means we now have an online catalogue for customers to read. You can see the
Conifer, Bamboo and climber page here and the
shade plant and fern page here. Over time I will be adding more plants to these lists and increasing our range of stock. On the drive home the snow got heavier and heavier, and it snowed all afternoon and into the evening. There is now two inches or so lying, brrrrrr.
Lunch at home! |
The Quiry Bird checking the tunnel on Saturday |
Lots of young plants for later this year |
On Saturday evening having checked the forecast (snow and freezing temps) we decided there was no point in going to the nursery on Sunday. Everything is frozen and under snow and I would be as well doing the admin I am working on in the warmth and comfort of the house. I managed to get a job on the data base done in one day instead of the two I'd allowed, so gold star for me. In the evening David and I headed to Whitmuir for a belated Christmas dinner for all the businesses at Whitmuir. Good food and company made the evening enjoyable.
Echivera 'Red Magic', a new addition for the succulent
and cacti collection at home |
Monday again, where does the time go? I had a progress meeting at high school for youngest son which went very well. He is doing very well and I'm so proud of him. After the meeting I picked up some messages, filled the car with petrol then went to have coffee and a chat with Linda and Andrew who live nearby. It was lovely to catch up, sitting in front of their open fire, with the dogs all flopped in front of it. The rest of the afternoon, once home was spent cleaning and tidying and catching up on chores.
When I was town on Monday I picked up this
reduced bunch of lilies, they were still tight in bud, bargain! |
I hope you are having a good week
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