Its been an amazing year. So many big changes, so many adventures, so much happier. We have moved from our wonderful house and garden and are renting until we find the right permanent place. It hasn't been easy, but life is easier, less stressed and I do like having a smaller house to look after. Middle son has left home to go to University in Glasgow and has settled in very well. Older and younger sons are doing really well at college and school. My divorce was finalised in October so now I can really move forward. I left my job in November to take a year out to study, kick back and have some time to get back to the things I love doing and enjoy life. A massive (or mad) thing to do, but absolutely the right thing for me at this time. Life's too short not to take time and risks and see where life takes us. I am happier, calmer and content, something I have never really had before. Its taken hard work, nerves of steel and support from some wonderful people to remove all the negatives from my life and get me here. It was so worth it. Lets hope 2015 is equally good.
Here is a snap shot of my year in pictures:
JANUARY: A trip to two disused mines in the south of Scotland to record
hibernating bats with David |
%2B8.2.14%2BAlnmouth%2BBeach.JPG) |
FEBRUARY: A long weekend in Northumbria: walks on the beach,
wood burning stove, Bamburgh Castle and lots of good food |
%2B13.2.14%2BWhats%2Bin%2Ba%2Bname.JPG) |
Bracken in the sea at Bamburgh, Northumbria |
%2B24.3.14%2BWaiting%2B.....%2Bagain.JPG) |
MARCH: A walk up to The Falls of Clyde at Lanark with most
of the kids and Bracken |
%2B3.4.14%2BPollock%2BHouse%2C%2Bcherry%2Btree%2Band%2Bbridge.JPG) |
APRIL: A trip to The Burrell Collection and Pollock House in Glasgow |
%2B8.4.14%2BGunpowder%2Btunnel%2B3.JPG) |
Easter Holidays and a walk around a ruined gunpowder mill and
secret abandoned near home, good for photos and exploring |
%2B9.4.14%2BDunino%2BDen.jpg) |
Another Easter holiday day trip with the kids to Balmino Den in Fife,
then a walk on the beach at Crail and fish and chips in
Anstruther on the way home |
%2B11.4.14%2BExploring%2BNeidpath%2Btunnel.JPG) |
A walk along the disused railway from Peebles to Innerleithan and the bus
back to Peebles. We stopped off on the way home to walk across the viaduct
and through the abandoned tunnel at Neidpath |
%2B11.5.14%2BDawyck.JPG) |
MAY: A trip to Dawyck Botanic Garden near Peebles,
full of spring colour |
%2B7.6.14%2BReflections.JPG) |
JUNE: Edinburgh in the rain |
%2B13.6.14%2BSummer%2Bevening%2Bat%2BThreipmuir.JPG) |
A walk round Thriepmuir Reservoir in the Pentlands |
%2B20.6.14%2BOld%2Bboats%2C%2BInveraray.JPG) |
A long weekend in Oban, travelling through Inverary for lunch then up to
Oban, visiting some ancient burial mounds on the way |
%2B24.6.14%2BStaffa.JPG) |
A boat trip out to the island of Staffa and Fingal's Cave. I've always wanted
to visit and we had a fantastic day out, I even coped with sailing in a small
boat out to the islands and back |
%2B25.6.14%2BFingals%2Bcave.JPG) |
Fingal's Cave |
%2B27.6.14%2BGot%2Bmy%2Bbest%2Bside.JPG) |
We then travelled to Lunga to see the Puffins |
%2B28.6.14%2BRock%2Bchick.JPG) |
They were amazing, so many and so close: an amazing experience |
%2B5.7.14%2BThe%2Bartist%2Bhimself.jpg) |
JULY: A trip into Edinburgh to visit David's brother
Ian and his exhibition at the Leith School of Art, then dinner with Becky |
%2B7.7.14%2BA%2Bbit%2Bof%2Bnostalgia.JPG) |
A weekend in York, visiting David's parent with Adam, and a trip on the
North Yorkshire Moors Railway to Whitby |
%2B10.7.14%2BPier%2Bat%2BWhitby.JPG) |
Walking along the pier at Whitby |
%2B26.7.14%2BTHe%2BAngel%2Bof%2Bthe%2BNorth.JPG) |
The Angel of the North, something else ticked off my
bucket list |
%2B28.7.14%2B%2BBracken.jpg) |
Bracken in the garden of our new home. having had to move house in late July. |
%2B9.8.14%2BBig%2Bsky.JPG) |
AUGUST: Summer holidays and a trip to North Berwick and the Beach |
%2B11.8.14%2BThe%2BBass%2BRock.JPG) |
The Bass Rock from North Berwick, fish and chips for tea |
%2B14.8.14%2BMe%2Band%2Bmy%2Bboys.JPG) |
Me and my boys. A walk to the top of Tinto, a fabulous view,
great weather, even if breezy |
%2B18.8.14%2BIn%2Bwhich%2BBracken%2Bgoes%2Badventuring%2Bin%2BDumfrieshire.JPG) |
Bracken in Dumfries and Galloway when we had a day out and visited Threave, where I was a
student a long time ago |
%2B23.8.14%2BLooking%2Btowards%2BLeadhills.jpg) |
Looking down the valley to Leadhills, a trip on
the Wanlockhead and Leadhills Railway |
%2B28.8.14%2BThe%2BSpiegal%2BTent.jpg) |
A night out on the town, its the Edinburgh Festival, great fun |
%2B30.8.14%2B%2BEdinburgh%2BFringe%2Bevenings.JPG) |
Edinburgh at sunset, festival nights |
%2B8.9.14%2BOld%2Brailway%2Btunnel%2C%2BAuchendinny.JPG) |
SEPTEMBER: Another disused railway tunnel near Penicuik |
%2B11.9.14%2BMosses%2Bat%2Bbenmore%2BBotanic%2BGardens.JPG) |
Mosses at Benmore Botanic Gardens |
%2B17.9.14%2BBuildings%40%2BPolphail%2B3.JPG) |
A visit to the derelict 1970's village of Polphail |
%2B18.9.14%2BStreet%2Bart%40Polphail%2B13.JPG) |
Polphail is noted for its street art |
%2B20.9.14%2BStreet%2Bart%40Polphail%2B11.JPG) |
These huge murals are amazing |
%2B21.9.14%2BBuildings%40%2BPolphail%2B4.JPG) |
In amongst the dereliction |
%2B28.9.14%2BCute%2Bbut%2Bdangerous.JPG) |
A trip to Edinburgh Zoo when David's mum and dad were up for
the weekend |
%2B1.10.14%2BSunflower%2C%2B%2C%2BEdinburgh%2BBotanics.JPG) |
Fading sunflowers at Edinburgh Botanics |
%2B15.10.14%2BBasilica%2Bdi%2BSanta%2BMaria%2Bdella%2BSalute%2B%2Bfrom%2Bthe%2Btop%2Bof%2Bthe%2BCampanile.JPG) |
OCTOBER: Venice, somewhere I have always wanted to visit, and now I
have been, it was everything I thought it would be |
%2B5.11.14%2BBasilica%2Bdi%2BSanta%2BMaria%2Bdella%2BSalute%2Bin%2Bsunset.JPG) |
and so much more, warm, good food, beautiful architecture and art,
Italy, love it |
%2B16.11.14%2B%2BDunsyre%2BHill.JPG) |
NOVEMBER: I stopped work, taking a year out to do some studying and
get back to the things I love doing. This is one of our local views
whilst out walking every day |
%2B22.11.14%2BLoch%2BLeven%2C%2Blate%2Bafternoon.JPG) |
Loch Leven next to the Gliding club where David flies from, I can now
go over with him occasionally |
%2B24.11.14%2BLooking%2Bback%2Bto%2BWhitehope%2BHeights%2C%2B%2BAnnandale%2BWay.JPG) |
At last a hill walk, this one was with Ben to Whitehope Heights near
Moffat, and easy one to get us back into it again. Great weather and views |
%2B25.11.14%2BGive%2Bme%2Byour%2Blunch%2Band%2Bno%2Bone%2Bgets%2Bhurt%2C%2Blunch%2Bat%2Bthe%2Bsummit%2Bof%2BWhitehope%2Bheights%2C%2B%2BAnnandale%2BWay.JPG) |
Bracken on the top of Whitehope Heights where we stopped for lunch |
%2B1.12.14%2BSo%2Bmany%2Bbooks.jpg) |
Barter Books, Alnwick, fascinating place and
rendivous for the Dodds Chritmas meeting to
exchange gifts, lunch and some Christmas
shopping |
%2B2.12.14%2BBracken%2Bthe%2BHill%2Bdog%2C%2BBishop%2BHill.JPG) |
Bracken on the top of Bishop Hill, Fife. A hill walk for me and some
flying for David and an opertunity to get some photos of him
in his glider |
%2B3.12.14%2BDavid%2Bin%2Bhis%2Bglider.JPG) |
David flying over Loch Leven and Bishop Hill |
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DECEMBER: TIme for making the Christmas truffles |
%2B22.12.14%2BBeautiful%2Bbuilding%2C%2Bthe%2BDome.JPG) |
A night out in Edinburgh to see the lights and German Market |
%2B28.12.14%2BGuess%2Bwhat%2BBracken%2Bgot%2Bfor%2BChristmas.jpg) |
Bracken with his Christmas bow tie |
Beautiful photos, a Happy New Year to you.
Thanks, have a happy new year too.