Last weekend I tackled more weeds at the front of the house. This border runs under the lounge window, you see it as soon as you come up the steps to the front door and its an eye sore, especially for a Quirky Bird gardener! So here was my next wee project. As I said before in this blog, its finding a balance between doing to much to a property we won't be in forever and making it liveable with. Again I have a planting plan for this narrow border I wanted to try out, so armed with my trusty tools off I went to be creative.
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Before, a very weedy patch! |
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Barrow and tools at the ready |
As with the previous borders by the front steps, I dug out all the weeds, forked over the ground, removing any large stones, rubbish and weed root and then topped up the soil level with soil from the back garden. One advantage of it having been a dry month, is the rubbish and weeds are very dry and light to barrow away, and the new soil light to barrow back.
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Filling up with new soil |
Again this planting scheme includes colour all year round through leaf form and flower. The centre is defined by a holly, Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princcess', a bushy plant which grows to 6 feet in 10 years. It has lovely glossy blue green foliage and striking dark purple stems.
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princcess' |
To the front door end of the border are planted shade lovers. The sun gets round to this corner by mid to late afternoon, so the Darmera, Rodgersia and ferns with be happy here, offering interesting foliage and brightened up by Astrantia 'Snow Star and Trollius x cultorum 'Alabaster' with their white and creamy flowers in early summer. Again I have mainly divided up my own plants I brought with me from Easter Mosshat.
Darmera peltata |
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Looking from the corner of the house to the front door |
At the sunny end on the corner of the house is planted Centranthus ruber var. Coccineus with its bright pink flowers all summer contrasting dramatically with the acid lime yellow flowers of Euphorbia schillingii. Small Geum rivale 'Album' and Luzula nivea will contrast nicely through the summer. Every day when I come home I still marvel at the difference doing this border has made to the front of the house.
From here it was an obvious step to carry on round the side of the house, another narrow bed between house and slabs leading to the back garden. Not even a days work and so satisfying and so much better to look at.
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Before, more weeds and stones to clear |
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After, what a difference |
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From the side gate to the corner of the house |
Plant List for front of house
Astrantia 'Snow Star'
Centranthus ruber var. Coccineus
Darmera peltata
Epimedium 'Amber Queen'
Euphorbia schillingii
Geranium phaeum var phaeum 'Samabor'
Geum rivale 'Album'
Rogersia podophylla 'Smaragd'
Trollius x cultorum 'Alabaster'
Asplenium scolopendrium
Gymnocarpium dryopteris
Briza media
Luzula nivea
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Princcess'
Plant List for Side of House
Clematis 'Nellie Moser'
Trees / Shrubs
Euonymus 'Emerald and Gold'
Asphodeline liburnica
Digitalis purpurea
Epimedium 'Pink Elf'
Euphorbia characias subsp Wulfenii
Geranium psilostemon
Ligularia stenocephala 'The Rocket'
Papaver orientale 'Allegro'
Verbascum bombycifera
Viola oderata 'Weimar'
My own plant collection
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